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To submit, or not submit, that is the question

Hi all! I hope everyone is kicking ass and making headway in slaying the formidable beast that is this exam! I have an application question that I'm hoping someone could shed some light on. Right now, I have a 166, a solid score, but I feel I can pull a 169 or 170 on the January test with a couple of months more of prep. In addition, I'm a non-traditional splitter plagued by 3 F's from my freshman year of college seven years ago. Since returning to college, I have brought my GPA to a 3.27 and will have a 3.4 by late December when the fall semester ends. Should I wait to submit my applications until I have the 3.4 and possibly the 169/170 from the January test? Or, should I submit my apps with the hope of getting waitlisted instead of rejected, and then have the opportunity later of showing them the improved stats to hopefully take me off of it?

Any feedback would be great!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Depends where you're applying.

  • Rasberry19Rasberry19 Member
    30 karma

    I agree it totally depends where you're applying bc of medians. However, if you're just trying to go to best school possible for $, I think working your butt off for January and applying then would be wise.

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