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Looking for Tutor

leigha.sommerleigha.sommer Yearly Member
in General 10 karma

Looking to take the test in August; I have taken before without really studying at all, but need a tutor to keep me accountable and on track for Aug 2022. I work full time; so I need to spread out my studying a bit more to cover everything. Weaknesses are RC (90% of my problem) and LR (17-24ish questions, 10% of my problem). Let me know your rate and when available! I can be flexible with hours and do my lunch break etc. since I work from home.


  • yeet.gifyeet.gif Member
    36 karma

    I have a friend who scored a 170 and is tutoring me right now; his hours are flexible. Also, not sure what you're trying to aim for.

  • Scott MilamScott Milam Member Administrator Moderator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1341 karma

    Hey Leigha!

    I am one of the managers of the 7Sage tutoring program. We have a crew of high-scoring, thoroughly trained tutors who would love to work with you. You can see our rates here:


    Let me know if you’d like to meet for a consult. I’d be happy to tell you more about our program and what sets us apart from the competition!

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