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Should I skip logic games?

seanzzzzseanzzzz Member
in General 19 karma

Hey everybody,

So I am planning to take the LSAT in June of 2023, and I read somewhere today that logic games will not be included in the LSAT after this year. So, should I still invest time into learning the logic games section, or should I skip over it and devote myself to strictly RC/LR, instead? I can't find an answer anywhere online, so I was hoping someone could give some advice. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • paulyou77paulyou77 Core Member
    74 karma

    Hey. Don't really know if they will actually get rid of LG. I also read somewhere that they are planning on taking the LGs out of LSAT but not for a few more years though... Also, the article I read said "considering" so I think you should stick to studying LGs too... at least until there is an official announcement.

  • paulyou77paulyou77 Core Member
    74 karma

    I read this article or something like two months ago (or maybe a month ago) so I might be wrong.

  • pierce703pierce703 Member
    edited July 2022 49 karma

    The LSAC year goes from August 2022- June 2023 so how the test is right now is how the test will be when you take it in June. And LSAC has not said if they plan to take out the LG portions or just redo it. So I would say you should study for it because there will definitely be a LG portion in June 2023 and if they decide to take out that section it might be a few years.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Just to echo what everyone has said, LSAC won’t make any major changes to the test without warning far in advance. Additionally, from what I understand, when LSAC has made major changes in the past, they’ve provided study materials to prepare for the new aspects long before they appear on the actual test.

    Look at it as a positive: for most people, LG is the easiest section to master. If you have LG on your test, it could very well be a boon for your score!

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