Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 143 to 177, Let me refer you to my tutor!! - 7Sage Forum

143 to 177, Let me refer you to my tutor!!

aarijrahmanaarijrahman Member
edited November 2022 in General 144 karma

I'm not even sure what my diagnostic score was, but I think it was around a 143, it has been over a year since that happened, but I am happy to finally say that my LSAT journey is over. Logged in today to see a 177. 7Sage is masterful!!
If you're looking for a tutor, please message me. (hopefully that is allowed on this forum?). I was stuck in the low 160s all throughout last year, had to cancel my Oct 2021 LSAT because I panicked. Decided to delay a year and study more. Found a tutor, wouldn't have gotten here without him.


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