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List of Publications as an Addendum?

jpgrafjpgraf Core Member

I've a little bit of an odd question and hope the 7Sage community has some informed opinions on that. I've spent years in legal academia and compiled a list of roughly 20 publications in journals, law reviews, and textbooks. This comes in addition to a number of talks I gave at various law schools and memberships in professional organizations. I'm applying to law school because I want to change sides: from academia to practice.

Do you think I should include a comprehensive list of publications, talks, and professional memberships as an addendum? I somehow feel like it's relevant and it definitely wouldn't fit below my resume.

Thanks for your advice!


  • Hi there,

    I'm in the same position and I've been searching for some opinions online just like you.

    I think I'm gonna do it because the application is all about putting yourself out there and I feel like I'd be selling myself short if I didn't include work I'm proud of.

    Some have said it should be part of the resume, but it would look sloppy and out of place imo.

    I'd suggest making the list with bluebook format if you're gonna do the same.

  • jpgrafjpgraf Core Member
    29 karma

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for your answer! I agree with everything you say and, by now, I'm pretty certain that I'll hand in my list of publications as an addendum.

  • Lsat_taker122Lsat_taker122 Member
    72 karma

    Just make sure the school isn't picky about addenda. Some might hate it, but they should have guidance online.

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