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Do any law schools still average LSAT scores??

lizv4675-2lizv4675-2 Member
edited February 2023 in Law School Admissions 25 karma

I read somewhere that some law schools average all LSAT scores instead of taking the highest one, but I thought that was old. Does anyone know if any still do?



  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    edited February 2023 848 karma

    Hi @lizv4675-2 ,

    Here’s a response from Jacob Baska one of our Admissions Consultants:

    "At the end of the day and per ABA regulations, schools are required to report a student's highest LSAT score. So if a student gets a 160, 162, and then a 173, the school will have to report that 173 to the ABA, US News and World Report, and any other reporting agency.

    Some schools will say that they consider all of a student's scores. This is because LSAC's studies over the years have consistently shown that the single best predictor of a student's future law school GPA is their average LSAT score. But remember - even if they consider all the scores, schools still have to report that highest score to the ABA!"

    Let me know if you have any further questions. I’m happy to help!

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