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Possible study group that meets every other week?

kaer7184kaer7184 Member
edited February 2023 in Study Groups 18 karma

Hi everyone,

I am preparing to take the April LSAT (and most likely the June and August LSATs as well) and am interested in possibly starting a study group. My PT scores are currently in the high 150s - low 160s. I am using 7sage for drilling and working with a private tutor. My best section is LG, and I am good with LR but not so good with RC. I am still in undergrad, and I also work, so the only time I would be able to meet would be every other week. If anyone is interested, please let me know!


  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hey there! We have a "Study Group Breakout" session coming up on Monday, March 13th from 9:00-10:30pm ET. It's a really great way to get paired with other's who are in the same boat as you and can even lead to a study group that meets consistently afterwards. You should check it out!

    Here's how it works:

    Register for the Breakout no later than Sunday, March 12th.

    Take PT54 Section 1 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an RC section) and Blind Review it, but DON'T look at the answers. I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest! You can do this by going to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Logical Reasoning," and scrolling to PT54 S2 (NOT S4, the other LR section for this test). You will have to individually add each question to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 26 questions" at the bottom right when finished, and voila!

    Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 2-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.

    At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.

    Hope to see you there! Register for the event using this link:

  • bailey.luberbailey.luber Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    352 karma

    Hi 7Sagers!

    So sorry for any confusion; there was a typo in our original instructions to join the Study Group Breakout (see @"valentina.soares-1" comment). To be clear, the section to complete before the event is an RC section, NOT an LR section, and is listed as PT54 S1 on 7Sage. To take it as a Drill on our website, go to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Reading Comprehension," and scrolling to PT54 S1. You will have to individually add each passage to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 4 passages" at the bottom right when finished. Hope this clears things up and looking forward to seeing you at our Study Group Breakout! Register here:

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