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Reusing preptests

7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
in General 932 karma
I redid preptests in the 60's and 70's and it has done tremendous things to my fresh LSAT score... I can finally say (with my fingers crossed) that I can consistently hit mid 160s to low 170's consistently... For the longest time I was stuck in the 159-161 range (about 2-3 months up from a 148 diagnostic)... This exercise helped me to solidify so much knowledge and understand the depths of the lsat. For people who have taken all the practice tests or are focusing exclusively on the most recent tests, REUSE Preptests a month or so after first taking them... It helps a lot.


  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    edited July 2015 844 karma
    so you redid PT60s and 70s and then do fresh other fresh PTs? For the score that you get consistently recently, is that from fresh test or the tests you retook? Thank you @7sagelsatstudent180
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    Basically... I kept 73 and 74 fresh. I took 75 in June for real and retook with the the LSAC book without checking answers. I then did 56-60 which I kept fresh just to confirm... The only section that I typically miss over 4 is now reading comprehension
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    The new score range is from fresh tests. My fresh range is 164-168 and my first retake range is 167-174.
  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    844 karma
    @7sagelsatstudent180, I see. I am stuck in 159 to 161 as well. I will definitely do what you did!
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    Just know the LSAT changes at PT 65 so thats mainly where I started retaking.
  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    844 karma
    @7sagelsatstudent180 that's great. thank you man!
  • gs556gs556 Member Inactive Sage
    568 karma
    I'd take those scores with a grain of salt. Re-taking a prep test almost certainly inflates your score-- It might be good as a way of reinforcing fundamentals and skills, but it is not a good proxy for the real thing.That's because re-taking prep tests puts you in a condition very unlike test day. On test day you don't know what's going to come your way.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    @gs556- I think that @7sagelsatstudent180 is basing his claim on his fresh PT scores, not the repeated PTs.
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    I am basing my claim entirely on fresh scores.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    Whoops. His or her.
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    If the president had a son... That's what I would look like... HAHA...
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