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Looking for a study buddy but prefer to have a group of people where we can discuss questions and help each other out once a week and just keep accountability or just a group chat to ask questions. Im studying on my own and it can feel exhausting sometimes especially when there's no one else to ask help for on a question! Mostly looking for those scoring anywhere from 140s to 160.
we have over 100+ members on this discord, so there is probably a good chance that you'll find a group you'll fit into. We've already hit the ground running, would love to see all of you there. We have a study session scheduled for 2pm-4pm ET, and you can choose between LR room, LG room, and RC room. Hopefully one (or more) of our 149 members will join you in the struggle. Here is the link:
May the force be with you.
we have over 149 members on this discord server, so there is probably a good chance that you'll find a group you'll fit into. We've already hit the ground running, would love to see all of you there. We have a study session scheduled for 2pm-4pm ET, and you can choose between LR room, LG room, and RC room. Hopefully one (or more) of our 149 members will join you in the struggle.
Here is the link:
May the force be with you.
Hi @"mon lynn", I just want to let you know that we made a new template for posts like this: Template for Study-Group Posts. You might connect with more people if you try that template. All the best!