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Trello as an organization tool for studying

allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
in General 1128 karma
Hi all, just wanted to share a great tool that has been working well for me to organize my study tasks. I think there are some particular challenges for self-guided LSAT students regarding time management and where to focus, and perhaps some of this can be addressed with better organization. I have been using Trello to keep track of four main categories: To learn (core curriculum/fundamentals), To review (material I know I am fuzzy on or need to memorize), To practice (problem sets to drill), and then notes about what is currently tripping me up on each section. I have also organized my overall study timeline on this tool. You can add checklists to cards, and due dates for cards as well.
Works great for me - if anyone is struggling to get organized or keep track of work outside of the 7Sage syllabus, I recommend this.


  • mepujalsmepujals Alum Member
    103 karma
    Wow, I just signed up with my google account--- how amazingly easy to use! This is going to be a great visual tool for all of the stuff swimming around in my head...Thank you!:)
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    Glad to pass it on! Good luck!
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    Thanks for posting this resource!
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