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LSAT scheduling- no test centers?

lclc2001lclc2001 Free Trial Member

I wanted to see if anyone is having the same issue. I opened up Prometric scheduling tool right when it was available for in person testing, 3 pm ET. It is telling me there is no availability near me, I even tried nearby states and cities and it is giving me no options for test centers. It seems not right and hard to believe there are no centers in my whole state. I took the September LSAT in my hometown here. Is anyone else having trouble finding any center at all?


    115 karma

    Nah but this que is craaaaazyyy

  • Shemariel165-1-1-1Shemariel165-1-1-1 Live Member
    114 karma

    Nope thats what happened to me I had to go all the way to Maryland or Ohio. I live in PA

  • B_MaximumB_Maximum Core Member
    192 karma

    Same experience.

  • WashingtonDCgalWashingtonDCgal Live Member
    edited October 2023 73 karma

    Not Just You! Me too.
    This may be helpful:
    W/ Prometric's online Oct. Test Center Registration I had the same sitch:
    Registration opens & queue is high --> I'm given 1 center in U.S. out of state I'd rather not make the trek to (after my address finally loads for the 3rd time).
    What worked to get my local in-person test center:
    1). Complete registration for the far away place & time given during registration opening (for safety)
    2). Come back when scheduling re-opens, enter your address, see if your local test center pops up.
    When I got to step 2, my local test center & day I wanted showed
    NOTE: BC November shld have highest # of test takers, I can't promise it'll be the same.

  • 1stWorldProblems1stWorldProblems Live Member
    732 karma

    well, allworkandnoplay(plus 8? yes, I tallied up the 1's).. you certainly earned yourself a little playing time on the account of being so helpful! I hope more people who needs to, get to read your post.

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