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Retaking LSAT and When to Apply to Law School

on_the_brinkon_the_brink Alum Member
in General 49 karma

I am scheduled to take my first LSAT this weekend. I can't seem to break a 150, however, and am thinking that I definitley will need to retake it in January. I want to get my applications in before the end of the year, which is why I am conflicted about taking the LSAT in two months. Because my UGPA is way lower than I'd like it to be, I want to show law schools a higher score, though, and feel like that should take priority.

I have been studying for months now and I feel like I have hit a plateau, which is pretty discouraging. If anyone has advice or has been in a similar situation, I'm all ears. Thank you!


  • learaee73learaee73 Core Member
    41 karma

    Hi! I have had the same situation, took the Sept. LSAT and didn't get the score I wanted with covid. My UGPA is lower than preferred, so im retesting this November. Go ahead and take the LSAT this November and then keep studying. When your score releases, if it's really below what you need, there is no harm in testing in January. Waiting to apply is scary, but at the same time an improved lsat score will help you tremendously. Until then, take a few days off and then start to review the sections you have issues with one by one until you master them. Goodluck with applications!

  • csearen99csearen99 Live Member
    124 karma

    First off, I agree with the above comment!! So I will go off of that with my own similar experience to help you know you arent alone and this is what I have decided after the suffering of feeling lost and hopeless the last two weeks.

    I feel almost like we are the same person. I do not have a competitive GPA so I know my LSAT has to be good enough to at least average out my numbers on paper. I have been studying (not consistently unfortunately) for about 4 months now and have improved, but not drastically enough to be satisfied with what I potentially could earn to be a competitive applicant and with my "below average" (the quotes are important bc depending on the schools, the low GPA average is different ) GPA. I had already done my applications back when they opened in September because I did not want to worry about them while studying and could have my complete focus on my LSAT. I was really hoping my first test tomorrow (NOV 2023) would be good enough but it looks like ( from many sources and first hand experienced people) unless you are just a perfect test taker and can score above 165 in your first shot, anticipating another test for January is not a bad idea nor does it impact/hurt your chances in the application process. I had spoken to my pre-law advisor months ago and a few tutors in the last week and they all recommended the same thing: "to just take the Nov test to get a feel and see how you do ( and like the above person said, take it, rest/study while waiting for your results and if you are satisfied you are done, but if not continue to study and work your a** off for January) but work towards January" It gives you the safety and personally the most mentally assuring situation. Based on what I've heard and learned, having your apps done and just having the schools waiting for an LSAT is better than waiting for your lsat to apply ( to me because I know if worst case scenario I am unsatisfied with my Janaury score, Ill be cutting it close to the some deadlines and potentially risking being at the end of the app pool for some schools and the longer you wait, the less availability), bc the apps are already there. Most schools do not even start looking at applications and making decisions until dec/jan anyway (unless you are applying early action or early decision) so my advice:

    Take that Nov LSAT, sign up for January just in case, you have until the Nov scores are released to sign up (cancel i believe with a refund. Im not too sure as I have a fee waiver). Then work on your applications maybe while you are waiting for that score release on the 29th. That way they are done and if you are happy with your score you are done with the application process, if your not, you have them done anyway and can solely focus on improving your lsat scores for the next 6 weeks. When you submit these apps and indicate you are taking a test in Nov and in January, they will wait for that January test to make a decision. (but if you decide the Nov was good enough, you can easily email the admissions teams and let them know you are no longer taking the January and want to have your application considered)

    I hope my experience in these last few months helps you figure out what your next steps will be and good luck on this test! As everyone has been telling me (annoyingly so) "its not the only chance, most do not do their best the first time and you can always do it again. But also you never know what the admissions team is looking for, they look at the whole package, not just your numbers on a transcript or test. Just have confidence in your abilities and do your best."

  • on_the_brinkon_the_brink Alum Member
    49 karma

    Thank you both, this was very helpful!!

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