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How to setup on demand tutoring

joban737joban737 Core Member
in General 10 karma

I have the upgraded course where I receive two free 30 minute on demand tutoring sessions but I do not know how to schedule these sessions. Any help?


  • karleykarley Member
    2 karma

    You should receive an email that invites you to link with your Coach and schedule a zoom meeting and then from there they will create a study plan for you and when you want to schedule your sessions.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    470 karma

    I hope that you figure out how to access this. Thanks for posting!

    I have live classes subscription. How can one get the on demand tutoring, please? Thanks for any help.

    admin #help

  • Diana - Student ServiceDiana - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited December 2023 239 karma

    Hi @joban737, we send an email with links so your can schedule your on-demand tutoring sessions when subscribing to Coach. Please feel free to let us know if you did not receive it.

    Hi @equallyyoked, you can upgrade from the Live subscription to the Coach subscription by visiting the Pricing page or using the link below:

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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