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Study Schedule for this Next Week

ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member

Hey, y’all! I’m taking the February LSAT next Saturday and was wondering what my study schedule should be. I’ve been focusing hard this last month on logic games as I think it can boost my score the few points I want to be able to get in. I’ve been doing about an hour a day or so drilling 3-4 games a day. Should I continue doing this? I feel okay enough about the other sections. My goal is a 150ish. Thanks!


  • andersonolivia276andersonolivia276 Live Member
    25 karma

    My recommendation is everyday try to do a full LG section a day, getting yourself used to timing and all the different types of games. What really helped me to get to myself scoring a -3 on LG, is fool proofing and watching the explanation videos. It really does help !!!!

    Also, focusing on conditional rules and developing the strategies and understanding how these conditional rules fit into the game! From, my scoring it helped to start small before going big! What I mean is you need the understanding before expanding to the more difficult problems. Really focus on the fundamentals of LG and always develop an understanding on why you got a problem wrong and what makes the correct answer correct! YOU GOT THIS!!!! It took me almost 5 months to fully crack the code of LG, each day is another day to make it one step closer to your goal!!!! Keep practicing and trying new strategies!

  • ev2k1ev2k1 Alum Member
    109 karma


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