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Unable to print passages/ practice sets?

NayNayNuggetNayNayNugget Live Member
in General 59 karma

Hey 7Sage, I was wondering what happened to the print feature on the drilling page. I usually print out passages and do them during work or when traveling to and from. It is a good way to practice when I don't have access to the internet but now the function is gone even on the older version. Will this be brought back? This was one of the best features of the course compared to all other paid courses available

help #feedback.


  • Mary - Student ServiceMary - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    765 karma

    @NayNayNugget If you're trying to print the questions for PTs 101–158, please note that they are not currently available for download. The print PDF option is only available for older tests (PTs 1–94).

    In the meantime, to print out PTs 101–158, which are reformatted PTs, you'll need to switch the version of your Drill page to "Obsolete format." Then, navigate to the Advanced Builder drill, locate the sections equivalent to PTs 101–158, and print those sections.

    You can use this table as a guideline:

    Let us know if you have any further questions.

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