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Exact Timing of Initial Diagnostic

Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
in General 156 karma
Hi all. I'm about to do my June 2007 preptest tomorrow according to my syllabus. I know I'm supposed to emulate the test conditions to be the same time as what the real test would be held (early morning). However I can't do it this week b/c of my child's school schedule. The timing is super tight so I would be distracted during the test about being tardy to pick up at school. Would it be terrible to take the preptest any other time during the day when I feel alert? Or....should I wait and move on to the rest of the core curriculum and do the preptest next week when I have the time. Thanks so much.


  • eugene.chongeugene.chong Free Trial Member
    62 karma
    I'm sure it's fine to take the test at another time of day.

    On the plus side, you have a very convenient way to practice taking tests while stressed and distracted!
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    Thanks for your reply. That's true & a good point. It would be very similar to how we would feel during the actual test. I might brave it.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    It's just your diagnostic, take it whenever you want since it doesn't do anything but provide a baseline. Testing at test time is more for people that choose to do so towards the end of their prep if they think it will be an issue, but some people never do it and are fine. Don't sweat it.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    Try to fit it in somewhere before you start the curriculum; as @Pacifico said the exact time you take it is immaterial. Even now I take my practice tests at all different times and I've been studying for a while. Use the proctor to time it when you do take it though.

    Good luck!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @c.janson35 said:
    Even now I take my practice tests at all different times and I've been studying for a while.
    @Pacifico straight up takes them at 1am. I typically do either evening or Saturday morning. But I just don't even care anymore.
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    Thanks! U guys rock.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @eugene.chong said:
    On the plus side, you have a very convenient way to practice taking tests while stressed and distracted!
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