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Helpful outside resources for the LSAT

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited April 2016 in Sage Advice 14289 karma
Guys, when you're exercising or commuting or just putzing around, listen to the podcasts from Radiolab and Planet Money. From a content point of view, you'll learn a ton about science (both natural and social). The way the subjects are discussed is highly intelligent and the entire conversation is a series of arguments and counterarguments that ultimately reveal something deeply fascinating about the world we live in.

So, basically the polar opposite of cable news, where nothing interesting is ever discussed and no intelligent arguments are ever made.


Planet Money

Oh I almost forgot. This will improve your LSAT score.


  • cloy26260cloy26260 Alum Member
    46 karma
    SO funny you put this up... I was listening to the Diane Rehm show this morning and it hit me: NPR's stories are phenomenal for flaw spotting and argument evaluation.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    Yeah, respect for intelligent, honest argumentation is ingrained in their culture.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    I love Radiolab and Planet Money. Totally worth listening to.
  • cloy26260cloy26260 Alum Member
    edited December 2013 46 karma
    Also, the PBS app on AppleTV has a show called "Intelligence Squared" and it is fantastic for analyzing arguments. Two panels essentially debate opposing views on a motion. Being able to take a break from studying while continuing to refine skills that will help you on the test is great.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
  • sherryberry007sherryberry007 Alum Member
    22 karma
    David Eagleman is my hero. For leisure, everyone here should read his book Sum.
  • zhenderszhenders Free Trial Member
    228 karma
    x2 on intelligence squared -- certainly my favorite.
  • Emily.a.pfeifferEmily.a.pfeiffer Alum Member
    13 karma
    I love radiolab-I also recommend Slate's gabfests... Especially the political ones, because I enjoy John Dickerson.
    Thanks for the reminder!
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Damn, I started listening to the Intelligence Squared podcast. That is pure gold. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    Hey guys, the Economist's Science and Technology articles are fantastic.

    You'd think the LSAT writers themselves wrote some of these:
  • dwschlossdwschloss Alum Member
    5 karma
    JY, thank you. If I have to write the LSAT again, I'm going to focus on reading these. Any other science-y/tech blogs, articles, podcAsts, etc. anyone can recommend? I seem to kill every kind of reading comprehension passages except for these. They always suck my time and downgrade my scores.
  • josemartinez725josemartinez725 Free Trial Member
    52 karma
    This course on informal logic is particularly useful for mastering the art of manipulating and understanding arguments.
  • carol1122carol1122 Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    thank u very much!!
  • Help2222Help2222 Member
    240 karma
    I listened to Radio Lab and Rosenberg and found it interesting, informative, and entertaining!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited April 2014 14289 karma

    This episode talks about law school and their published employment numbers.
  • Connie O.-1Connie O.-1 Free Trial Member
    12 karma
    Yes!!! such a good podcast listened to it this morning...definitly checked me on remembering that a lot of these statistics are a load of crap
  • Admiral YummyAdmiral Yummy Member
    116 karma
    Alright everybody, here's something I viewed last night and thoroughly enjoyed. "Tim's Vermeer" is a documentary about a man who sets out to recreate a painting by Vermeer using the tools that he believes the artist used to paint photorealistic paintings. I think this documentary captures a lot of the argumentation that we encounter while studying for the LSAT and it illustrates what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it:
  • polsckenpolscken Alum Member
    edited June 2014 199 karma
    This is the best advice ever. Don't forget Ted talks too.
  • anne2hoanganne2hoang Free Trial Member
    226 karma
    ^ Yes, I am addicted to Ted talks.

    I spend my weekends deconstructing arguments in the Enquirer.
    Just kidding.
  • kraft.phillipkraft.phillip Free Trial Member Inactive Sage
    444 karma
    By the way, incognito mode on chrome bypasses the economist's article viewing limit.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Really? Nice!
  • fortunatezrfortunatezr Alum Member
    22 karma
    I started listening to these podcasts. They are very interesting and helpful! Thanks for sharing!
  • lsathopefullsathopeful Alum Member
    268 karma
    Is it possible to save discussion like this one (to refer to it later) without commenting?
  • benjaminladdbrycebenjaminladdbryce Alum Member
    21 karma
    Here's the only problem. By the time I read this, I had already listened to all of RadioLabs episodes, along with 99% Invisible, This American Life, Freakanomics, etc. I drive a lot at work, and so I digest a lot of content.
  • jyang72jyang72 Alum Member
    844 karma
    Is there anyone who is interested in Scientific American? I think it is a wonderful magazine which incorporates tons of scientific articles which are similar to LSAT logical reasoning stimulus and reading comprehension.
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