Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Please, begging for help! - 7Sage Forum

Please, begging for help!

edited September 2015 in General 66 karma

I need some serious H-E-L-P. here's the details:
1. Took June 2015 LSAT. Canceled the score, signed up for 7sage, finished it in late august.
2. Took a Bluepring course last spring. didnt do A SINGLE darn thing for me.
3. been PrepTesting all month. none of my PT's go over 153/154. I Blind Review all of them, very closely.
4. I've been signed up for this saturday's exam, 10/3. Obviously, there is no point of me taking it.
5. I WILL NOT apply to law school with a score lower than 164. I will not go to law school at Sticker Price. no way.
6. I can't take time off working anymore. used up all my savings sitting at home studying. Spent my last 400$ on 7Sage's Premium Course in order to get the video explanations for PTs 62-71.
7. Forgot to mention: All the drills iv'e done in 7sage's course, timed, have been PERFECT. not a single question wrong.
8. Last PT (64)- 153. Section 1 (LR)- 15/25. Section 2 (LG) 16/23. Section 3 (LR) 18/26. Section 4 (RC)- 13/27. This was by far the hardest RC i have EVER encountered.

please help this poor soul out. I am TIRED of dealing with this. I am mentally exhausted. I am physically exhausted. The LSAT has taken a toll on my life in such a way that i have NEVER experienced before.


  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    Take a week or so off and resume studying for December. You're not gonna make any gains with that burnt out mindset.
  • deleted accountdeleted account Free Trial Member
    393 karma
    It's burnout. Really. I had a similar experience. I got my best score up to that point on the February test, but didn't want to go to law school at sticker. So between February and June I did literally every preptest. And my score on the real test was like 10 points lower than where my average had been a month before. I was consistently dropping.

    In June I got my score back and said, no way. I immediately took a preptest and my score was back to my best again. Since then I have had a very slow preptest schedule (gone from 5-6 tests a week between february and june to 2 tests a week now) and I'm still up top. Today I took preptest 74 (on 7sage to enter my score) and I got a score 6 points higher than the median at the school I expect to attend.

    So really, burnout is real and can take a huge toll on your score. My personal recommendation would be December, and possibly waiting a year. I did -- I got into a school on my top 3 list off the waitlist with my June score. I decided to take the test one more time.

    Cheer up!!!!
  • Jsohn001Jsohn001 Member
    edited September 2015 70 karma
    @MisterKaaayyy You can easily boost your score by at least 4 points by using 7sage's approach on LG drill method. Print out all of the different game types (in/out, sequencing, grouping, etc) Do them over and over. Easiest section to improve IMO.

    I followed that approach and now I get only -1 or -2 on regular PTs. 7sage's approach to LG improvement really works..

    I feel you are pressuring yourself due to limited time til test day. Like many authors on this forum, it's burnout, confidence errors and overstressing as the test is approaching.

    Trust me, I feel your pain. If you are not even hitting your goal on PTs and achieving gains in your BR, postpone the test.

    How much time are you spending on BR? BR is the only way you can really make considerable gains.

    Release your stress on some ice cream.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    edited September 2015 1294 karma
    As someone that been in your position before, let me give you one clear advice: withdraw from October 3rd's LSAT. There's really no point if you want to score in the high 160s to take the October exam, you'll probably end up cancelling it anyway.

    Trust me, I know how crappy it is to be consistently scoring in the high 150s. It took me literally a year to get out of that range and score in the low to high 160s. You said you get perfect in the drills, but it seems like its not transitioning over to your PT's. One advice I can give for this is to drill entire sections instead of drilling only a single question type. This is because drilling an entire section exposes you to a wide variety of question types and lets your brain switch from one question stem to another.

    I would say reschedule your exam to a later date, whether it's December or February is up to you, or even later, depending on how you feel from this point forward. Don't stress too much over your score and your lack of gain since this will lead you to score lower and stress you even more (anxiety when the clock starts ticking).

    Take one PT a week and review it very, very carefully. Drill LG's everyday, whether it's on your lunch break or a quick one before you step out the door to go to work. Trust me, when you score perfect in this section it will boost your overall score.
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    Are your BR scores in the high 160s to 170s? If not, it sounds like an issue with fundamentals. This does seem like burnout, so chill for a minute, but you gotta get the fundamentals down or you're just spinning your wheels. You can take every PT and still see no improvement if the fundamentals aren't there. Are you using the analytics to tell you if you're continually have problems with the same question types? If it's not an issue with your fundamentals and your analytics aren't revealing much, I just don't know???? You definitely need to step back for a few though. Chin up! A lot of us have been in your position before! I know I have!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Ok. Calm down :)
    @MisterKaaayyy said:
    Obviously, there is no point of me taking it.

    @MisterKaaayyy said:
    Spent my last 400$ on 7Sage's Premium Course in order to get the video explanations for PTs 62-71.
    I and many others have managed to make this happen while working full time. Don't worry about this. In fact, I think it's beneficial to have somewhere to go everyday so as to avoid hyperfocusing on the test.

    @MisterKaaayyy said:
    I am mentally exhausted. I am physically exhausted. The LSAT has taken a toll on my life in such a way that i have NEVER experienced before.
    We can tell ...

    Walk away for a while, friend. It sounds like December could be too soon. Chill out ... Please just take a break ... This test is hard but it doesn't need to be like this, even at its worst.

    Please go have a cocoa and a cookie ...
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