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BR Timing

dj768083724dj768083724 Alum Member
in General 112 karma
Hey guess, know BR timing is really a subjective thing here, I can reasonably spend 45 minutes on a question until I've really understood the question. Alternatively, I can figure out a question the second I finish rereading something that I missed the first leg around. So I'm curious, how long do you take on average to BR a PT?


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    edited October 2015 3107 karma
    I BR over two days. I do it a little differently since some of my exams are retakes (I studied a lot about a year ago for last September's LSAT and completely choked, so I took a year to get my masters/took time away from the LSAT; I am actually surprised how little I remember from the exams I took a year ago).

    Anyway, I take a 5 section (last section is a random section of games from PT 1-35) timed exam at 8:00, finish up by 11:15ish, and then take a 2 hour lunch break. I redo the games of one section after lunch, and I time myself for each game (takes me about an hour total to redo all 4 games and watch JY's videos for each of the 4 games). If I struggle with the game or don't hit JY's target time, I mark it for fool proofing. Next, I BR one section of LR (this is what can take a long time: this can range from an hour to three hours, depending on the difficulty of a section). I don't see a lot of purpose in timing yourself during BR for LR since BR is all about taking the time to really analyze LR questions in depth; if there is a LR question that I just can't understand, I type out an analysis in the comments section of the video. Lastly, I BR 2 of the RC passages. In the comments section of the video where JY reads the passage, I type out my memory method. I then redo the questions and write down next to my circled answer what line in the passage I used to justify my answer. I don't time the RC since I take the time and focus on the relationship between the paragraphs/explicitly find the support in the passage. 2 RC passages usually takes an hour.

    The next day, I do the same thing, but I do the other LR section, the last 2 RC passages, and the other section of games. In the end, I usually spend about 3 hours BR half the test on one day and another 3 hours BR the other half the next day.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    I am getting tired just reading about your schedule... You are a beast! High gains surely coming your way. Kudos!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Depends how many I circled and how tough the questions were. If I circle any during LG I just BR them immediately after finishing the PT because the whole clean copy thing doesn't matter.

    Then I go and BR with a clean copy on my computer. It takes anywhere from 1-3 hours at this point, but early on in your prep it should take longer in general. I never spend more than 30 minutes on any single question because at a certain point if it doesn't click I think you're just spinning your wheels.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    When I was BR'ing the entire test (basically re-taking it untimed), it took 4-5 hours. I guess spend as long as you need but you might think about reaching out to myself or one of the other mentors on questions where you're spending this much time. We might be able to help you expedite.
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