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Practice Test How often?

ali.eiwazali11ali.eiwazali11 Alum Member
edited April 2014 in General 8 karma
How often do you guys take a practice test? Especially for those taking the LSAT in June?


  • LouieRodriguezLouieRodriguez Free Trial Member
    82 karma
    Right now I'm on schedule to do one every other day.

    Most people would consider that overkill though.

    Do what works for you. I personally, I'm studying all day everyday up until the test, so for me it's just like... why not...
  • retaker2014retaker2014 Alum Member
    edited April 2014 99 karma
    I do Mondays and Thursdays for now, because the test itself will be on Monday. I also do it on Thursdays because I want to have at least two days between PTs with enough time for blind review. But I'm going to kick that up to 3 times a weeks for four week starting April 28.
  • Steven CSteven C Free Trial Member
    38 karma
    I can pretty much only do one a week, on Saturday. I spend the rest of the weekend doing blind review.

    I should note just taking a practice test does nothing for you really. The blind review is what is truly helpful, taking the time to understand why you got something wrong, or why an answer you choose is correct and all the wrong answers are wrong.
  • ali.eiwazali11ali.eiwazali11 Alum Member
    8 karma
    Cool, I was just trying to get some input from others on here.
  • E.T.90066-1E.T.90066-1 Alum Member
    377 karma
    I agree with Steve C. Taking test without blind review is just a wast of time and valuable pretest.
  • ali.eiwazali11ali.eiwazali11 Alum Member
    8 karma
    Agreed. Blind review is the real test.
  • nmillmich25nmillmich25 Alum Member
    13 karma
    I plan to do two per week, Saturday and Sunday with blind review/drilling/7sage videos during the week as I work full time.
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited April 2014 3438 karma
    Well I intend to finish my material by the next week end odd and then hit the tests at about 3 a week with 3 alternate days for blind review ie tuesday thursday and saturday testing and wednesday friday sunday BR... but that is because I've done this material before and taken the test in Dec. the last 6 odd weeks, I intend to supplement the BR days with old games and old LR sets to get my timing right... my caveat- I'm a grad student, I'm pretty much done with my assignments, and my courses... and I have about 45 days off before the test.
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