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Warm Up

cjones76cjones76 Alum Member
in General 318 karma
Sorry if this a redundant post, but do you guys warm up before you take a PT? I noticed awhile back that my second LR section was consistently better so I started to do some LR questions. Have you seen a benefit to warming up? If so, I am curious to how many questions you guys do before. Do you do a game and a RC passage before too?


  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    My warmup was usually one or two logic games. It seemed to help.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    When I was PTing, a LG, RC passage and 4 or 5 random LR questions proved to be a good warm up for me.
  • EmergingAttorney180EmergingAttorney180 Alum Member
    133 karma
    A small warmup is nice, but make sure they are easy questions else you risk damaging your confidence.

    Also, keep your warmup consistent so when test day rolls around you are not trying anything new.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    edited October 2015 1644 karma
    I tend to disagree with easy questions. We perform like we train. There aren't only easy questions on the test.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    I've started using my fifth section of a PT as a warm up, usually a section of a test I've already taken.
  • EmergingAttorney180EmergingAttorney180 Alum Member
    133 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" said:
    I tend to disagree with easy questions. We perform like we train.
    It isn't training- it's a warmup. And the last thing you want to do before you start a test is be thinking about why your logic game skills weren't strong enough for that 5 star difficulty game you just tried to tackle.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    I understand what you're saying. My line of thought was if you expose yourself to a couple five star questions during warmup, then your confidence won't be as shaken when you encounter 6 or 8 of them during the test. It's just a personal preference of mine.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    And to me, it's all training until I walk away with 170+ on the real thing.
  • EmergingAttorney180EmergingAttorney180 Alum Member
    133 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" said:
    I understand what you're saying. My line of thought was if you expose yourself to a couple five star questions during warmup, then your confidence won't be as shaken when you encounter 6 or 8 of them during the test. It's just a personal preference of mine.
    That's reasonable, but your confidence should already be high entering the test. No amount of questions you get right on a warmup should really impact it. If you get them right, maybe you get a slight boost. But what if you get 2 of those 6 unfamiliar and hard questions wrong on the warmup? Are you going to do another section to validate your skills?

    It's cool if you want to warmup like this during practice tests, but when you take the real thing, I'd urge you to reconsider.
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    I appreciate your advice.
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