How often do you guys review your stack of questions? My stack of questions is getting quite big now. I’ve got about 160 of them and I’m working on Pseudo Sufficient Assumption Questions. I reckon my stack will only get much bigger as I move along in the course.
Reviewing these questions that you didn’t get right, certainly helps to reinforce correct reasoning skills obviously for questions you got wrong or got right but weren’t 100% sure.
The problem is the bigger your stack gets, the longer it takes to review. (It took a little over an hour for me to review all 160 of them. I reckon it’s gonna take quite awhile to review all of these questions once I’m able to move onto doing PT’s)
Also, inevitably you end up memorizing the correct answer choices. Any thoughts?
Much of the curriculum is best taken with some heavy doses of common sense rather than interpreting everything 100% literally and then taking it to an extreme as far to many people seem to enjoy doing around here.