So my question is about Step 5 "Watch the explanation video." and Step 6 "Take a clean copy of the game.
Reproduce all inferences from memory with control and speed. "
Should I be repeating the game right after watching the video? Trying to reproduce all inferences from memory?
If so, I feel like a complete fool

I've been watching the videos right after a game I feel I haven't mastered, then waiting a day before I try the game again...And well that hasn't gotten me to where I want to be, so I rewatched the video and I'm thinking I could have been doing it wrong this whole time...
1. You can clearly see the inference(s) with the game you're practicing on.
2. You can see said inference fast enough to the point where the entire game should only take you about 5 minutes.
What I do is repeat the games right after I initially take them and review them. Then I try to take them over again the next day. If I still see the inference and I am finishing in good time and go -0, I move on. If I dont, I repeat the entire process. The Fool Proof method essentially.. The ones that I feel are of more value or I struggled on significantly (dinosaur in-out, left-right side of the bus hybrid game, etc), I make note of and I review them periodically after I've "mastered" them through the process to make sure I'm still sharp on those inferences. Hope this helps!