I took the LSAT last december (thanks to 7sage!) and scored 167. While my average on tests had been 165, I saw on my test results that I had actually missed a bubble on Section 2, pushing my remaining answers back! Fortunately it was towards the end, but I still missed out on 2 correct answers (argh!!). I could have had a 169.
I'm considering taking again. But I know it's a risk- I could score the same, or lower. It's also incredibly expensive in terms of time and money and I'm now working full time. I'd welcome any thoughts on whether a second try is worthwhile, or advice from anyone who has taken it more than once. Thanks!
I honestly don't think I'm saying anything new here. I'm sure you've put a great deal of thought into every point I've addressed.
that's awesome. if you practice tests are consistently higher than your test score from december then why not go for a second round. but if your law school accepts your score(majority would) I say skip it.
I started 7 sage in late Jan of this year. how long had you been studying for the test if you don't mind me asking?
Ultimately, choosing a law school is about minimizing debt while maximizing employment outcomes. It may sound stupid, but getting 4 more questions correct can honestly save you over a $100,000 on tuition alone. Not to mention the fact that it would significantly improve your job prospects as well.
Study over the summer, retake when you start to PT in the 170s. If that means you delay a year, that's fine. Get some work experience somewhere if you can, and you'll end up saving boat loads of money in the long run.
How much room do you feel you have left to improve?