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Exam Nightmare

Dana AndersonDana Anderson Free Trial Member
edited June 2013 in General 10 karma
Hi everyone,
So yesterday I took the June exam. I was pretty prepared, had visited the classroom a week before, felt focused and ready. We checked in, entered the room and sat where we were assigned. And then...the construction started. Not just a few taps from a hammer, I'm talking full-on, constant, heavy machinery construction. Right on the walls of our classroom. So loud that we couldn't hear the proctor. Of course, students protested very strongly (I thought there was going to be a riot) but our proctors told us it was too late to withdraw, that LSAC would not refund or reschedule. The university wouldn't let us move classrooms, even though they made the mistake and scheduled the construction at the same time of the exam. So we took the first three sections with the construction. I tried very hard to not let this shake my concentration, but it was impossible to think!

I've decided not to cancel my scores, because I will be out of the country in October and won't be able to retake. I'm planning on lodging a complaint to LSAC, even though I know they won't do anything for us. Just thought I would vent a little here and see what people think...!


  • Youyang LiYouyang Li Free Trial Member
    68 karma
    Would that be something that constitutes complaining to LSAC for? I know that delays your score..I'm not sure how that works..maybe J.Y. can weigh in?

    Actually our proctors totally messed up too and called time when there were like 3-4 minutes left on that section. We were like THAT WAS NOT FIVE MINUTES. Everyone freaked out, haha. Actually even that slight thing threw me off, especially since I was already running short on time on that section. So that was absolutely ridiculous.
  • Dana AndersonDana Anderson Free Trial Member
    10 karma
    I'm pretty sure I am going to complain because the proctors told us that if we all submit a complaint LSAC may consider waiving the October exam fee for people who want to try and take it again. It won't help me, but at least LSAC will be aware of what happened!
  • Mark TenorioMark Tenorio Free Trial Member
    edited June 2013 304 karma
    Lol, I'm reading on reddit how people had proctors from hell; they come 40 minutes late, frisked the test takers like they were at an airport, very strict in giving instructions, etc.

    Here it was pretty laid back. One person forgot her photo on her admission ticket and was still able to take the test.
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