Hey y'all,
You asked for it. So now you're getting it. Here's the BR Group Calendar, including June-oriented (but open to all) dates as well as dates leading up to the September test:
https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=7sage.com_ft05lsm54j4ec1s6kj1d1bbpv0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/ChicagoNote: I know there was talk of y'all doing this on Sundays, but Saturdays have been a mainstay of 7sage BR Groups since their inception. There are many reasons why it should be Saturday and not Sunday—not the least of which is the fact that people have work on Mondays and BR Group calls often go late into the night

However, there will be Sunday dates until the beginning of June so as to accommodate folks who are taking it in June as well as Sept.
And don't forget that BR Group calls will be GUIDED by a Sage on Saturdays until further notice (at least into May).
@bjphillips5 @jennilynn89 @Skywalker @MrSamIam @Mitzyyyy @ericbarocio @nader.parham @Omed_OvO @learn2225 @lenelson2 @radsay @jessicalj @johanna.ea.greenberg @Mookittyy @kylereinhard @LostInLawLawLand @lois.s.ahn @jimenezja.jj @180pronto @CocoZhang @sweetsecret @LSATKingsman @katherine.t @kokobazooka @TheGreatRaymondo @nasphill @kelseyLV @"Purple Paris" @"Will Giron" @"Jonathan W." @"Jeong P." @"Keane Xavier" @"The 180 Bro_OVO" @brianb589 @SVICTORIA @Galapagos.1001 @nanchito @QQQQQQQQ @kinghorn @lsatblitz @7JRBG180 @nantesorkestar @rakinalikhan @legallyblonde @sora.ees @"Darth Jurist" @"kon-peki" @vsecaida @"GSU Hopeful"
Seriously, proper BR is just so important. Even if you're positive you're doing it right, you are doing yourself a real disservice by not reviewing the lessons and watching this webinar. Do it!
7Sage has invested in GoToMeeting to host our BR calls and Webinars! A link to join the group will be provided for each session. Just keep an eye on the forums for the individual session you want to join. Yes, all times are Eastern:)
Look forward to seeing you on the calls:)
I wonder why we can't do alternating session like 7PM for this Wednesday, then 8PM for the next, because I know there are some others who may also find 7PM ET difficult to accommodate.
Guess then I officially drop out of the group.
So first and foremost, everyone has to find what works for them. Based on your work or school schedule, what works for me may not work for you.
So what works for me:
Starting out, BR takes a LONG time. If you're doing it right. It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Do it right!! So, I am currently reserving an entire day to BR. I'm assured it gets quicker, but for now, I'm reserving a day. That means for a Saturday BR, I want to take my PT on Friday at the latest. That gives me Friday afternoon and as much of my Saturday as I need to slog through it. And if I finish up sooner, great! Time to drill or review the curriculum or whatever.
It's also important to simulate test conditions as closely as possible during a PT. For me, that means waking up at 6 in the morning, getting ready exactly as I would on test day, and starting the PT at around 9:00. When I can, I even simulate the pretesting conditions. You're going to be sitting around for a long time between reporting and starting the test and it is really mind numbing. I will actually force myself to sit at my desk for 30 minutes before I start. So, I acknowledge this is extreme. But I'm a full time LSAT student, so I have the luxury of boring myself out of my mind and descending into ennui before starting my test. If you've got a job or are in school, don't do this, lol.
Anyway, back to more reasonable strategies. My typical day is, I'll PT or BR in the morning depending on where I'm at in the cycle, and then I'll drill in the afternoons.
Hope that helps! The important thing though is to develop the strategy that works for you. I think the only absolutes are these: PT under as closely simulated conditions as possible, and BR effectively. If you can make your schedule accommodate these two things, you've got a good schedule.
Just to remind everyone interested in Group BR and make sure the schedule is fully accessible. See y'all at the next one!