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Using Pencil and Games

cahillmaffeicahillmaffei Alum Member
in Logic Games 21 karma
Hey everyone,
I'm studying for the September LSAT and have been at it a few months. Until recently, the way I've been setting up for games has been to create setups with initial rules and inferences in pen. Then, for each question I would add new information to my set up with pencil. This way I could easily erase from question to question and always go back to my original set up. However, I recently realized I would not be able to do this on the actual exams, because pens are not allowed (I know, stupid oversight).
So, now I feel a little a slower with games, trying to adapt to life without a pen. Each question I'm having to focus more of my brain's "RAM" on remembering what I shouldn't be erasing at the end of the question, instead of having my full processing power devoted to question itself.
I'm wondering how others approach their set up with a pencil. What strategies have people found to be effective? Do others do this so differently, that am looking at this all wrong?


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Usually (and I think this is what most people do) is you have a main game board or boards that you never touch once you move to the questions. You just make smaller boards next to each question. They may be abbreviated, but that works.

    You never erase you just move onto the next question and make another mini board.

    You'll get faster as you practice.

  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Never erase. And draw on the master to answer the last question since you won't need it anymore.
  • Ron SwansonRon Swanson Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    1650 karma
    Just to elaborate on why you should never erase: Sometimes something that you sketch out but don't need for a certain question may be useful on a later question in the set. If you try to draw out a certain board/combination and realize it doesn't work with the rules, that could save you a bunch of time eliminating a wrong answer choice in a later question.
  • cahillmaffeicahillmaffei Alum Member
    21 karma
    Thanks for the advice, guys. This actually makes a lot of sense.
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