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Fool Proof Clarification.

Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
edited July 2016 in General 156 karma
I'm so confused on exactly what "memorizing the inferences" mean in the fool proof method. So far for each clean copy, I have been reading the background info above the rules in a swift manner (as if it's a real test) b/c I feel like that's more realistic in terms of timing on the actual test. I then read the rules and make my diagrams and inferences and do the questions. But I feel like maybe i'm doing it wrong. please help!!!

My Questions .....

1. Do I still read the background info above the rules each time I do a clean copy? Or do I skip down to the rules?
2. And do I still do the questions? And if you still do each question, you obviously know the answer. So should i still stick to the diagram and deduct my answer that way?
3. When making these inferences...the first 5 times you're probably still looking at the rules. Is the ultimate goal to be able to make the inference WITHOUT looking at the rules?

Thank you all so much! please help! I don't want to do all the fool proof method wrong and find out hundreds of practices later.


  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    edited July 2016 1762 karma
    It's not so much about knowing the answer choice because you've done it a bunch of times. It's about knowing how to get to the right answer and understanding how one is right and the others are wrong. It's being able to make deductions based on the rules and the stimulus of the game by writing a clear sketch. Sometimes the stimulus gives you extra info that you need to incorporate in your sketch, so always read the stimulus. Once you've done a game try it again and make sure you're hitting at or below that target time. Keep doing it until you get this for every game in one section. Then try to get the whole section under time. Then leave it alone for a week or two, come back and try it again.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    For number 3, I usually dont look back at the rules once my sketch and all deductions are done.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    But yea, like you want to be honest with yourself. Don't let yourself pick a choice just because you know that's the right answer. Do the work everytime.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    You probably have read @Pacifico Logic Games Attack Strategy but I leave the link below anyway in case you didn't.

    I am almost done with LG bundle using Pacifico strategy, I improved from -14 to -5 or -4

    1- You should read background information for sure and read it carefully because you have to do it on the exam.

    2- Doing the questions is the whole point, but one way to help with the problem of knowing the answer choice is activating hunt mood (you read the question, set up the sketch and find the correct answer then look at the answer choices)

    3- The ultimate goal is to be able to systematically answer any questions so when under exam pressure you just follow your system. You need to develop a system that works best for you. The system I am trying to follow is like

    1- read the question set up the sketch try make obvious inferences
    2- check answer choices
    3- If still confused take count of the items write them near questions and go through the rules one by one make inferences
    4- check answer choices
    5- If still stuck, SKIP the question
    6- After I have done all other questions I will take another try at it by only checking the question against all of my sketches (I do not try to make inferences again unless I already finished the section)

    I hope that helps.
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    @nader.parham , yes thank you that's exactly what I was confused about...the process. That's exactly what I'm doing so I'm glad to hear I'm was totally off. Thank you!!!
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @Coolmama09 I am happy to help :)
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    @nader.parham one more thing...isn't it always that way. ha. Do you think JY means to drill 10 clean copies in one sitting?
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2016 2086 karma
    Memorizing the inferences is exactly that, memorize the inferences shown in the video and remember how J.Y. got to them.

    1. Do I still read the background info above the rules each time I do a clean copy? Or do I skip down to the rules?

    Yes, each retake should be treated like the first take (aside from remembering the inferences). Remember, when you fool proof you're looking to see if you can complete the game in under the recommended time. If you skip the stimulus, your time will be skewed.

    2. And do I still do the questions? And if you still do each question, you obviously know the answer. So should i still stick to the diagram and deduct my answer that way?

    Yes, refer to number 1, same rule applies. Pretend that you don't know the answer. Treat it like you would a not-previously-seen game (aside from implementing inferences). If it's a question that entails brute forcing, than brute force - making sure to do so only after looking for ACs that stand out.

    3. When making these inferences...the first 5 times you're probably still looking at the rules. Is the ultimate goal to be able to make the inference WITHOUT looking at the rules?

    No, the ultimate goal is to be able to make inferences quickly, accurately, and effortlessly. When you take the actual test, you're going to have to look at the rules to make inferences.
  • Coolmama09Coolmama09 Alum Member
    156 karma
    @MrSamIam thank you thank you thank you!
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @Coolmama09 if I remember correctly in the video of fool proof explanation he mentioned that students need to retake each game the day after hitting the target time at least once to make sure they memorized the inferences.
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @Coolmama09 this is the link to fool proof explanation video after step 7 you still need to do the game at least once the day after
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