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Study Schedule for The LSAT Trainer

PennyroyalQueenPennyroyalQueen Free Trial Member
in General 50 karma
Hey y'all! Just had a quick question about using The LSAT Trainer. Do any of you use the study schedules provided by the Trainer or do you just move at your own pace and do the appropriate drills?
I just began the Trainer again and am at lesson 5. I love what I'm reading but just wasn't sure how to go about drilling and whether or not to follow one its proposed study schedules.
Any insight would be helpful! Thanks :)


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited July 2016 11542 karma
    If you want to finish before a certain time (a week before your LSAT date for example) then use the appropriate schedule based on how many weeks/months you have left. If you're indifferent then you can always go on your own pace but make sure you're consistent and not taking lots of days/weeks off from reading/drilling. The key is to not lose momentum.
  • dennisgerrarddennisgerrard Member
    1644 karma
    I use LSAT blog 4-month schedule and focus on 7 sage curriculum. I read lsat trainer for LG sometimes. The drill schedule it offered is not enough for me.but I will look at it.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    I've been studying for about a year, so I'm at the point where it's much more beneficial for me to not adhere to a preset schedule. That said, figure out what you need to get done before your test date, and follow a schedule if it allows you to get everything done in time, and, leaves you plenty of time to drill, PT, and BR.
  • PennyroyalQueenPennyroyalQueen Free Trial Member
    50 karma
    Thanks for the input everyone!
    I guess my question now is about how exactly to go about drilling?

    I am like you @MrSamlam in that I have been studying for about a year as well. I am trying to really do things correctly this time. This means using the Trainer and then signing up for 7Sage! I believe that I am in the drilling phase right now and I'm just wondering how to go about that without using any sort of study schedule?
    Thanks in advance!
  • annannannannannann Alum Member
    304 karma
    I didn't use the study schedule because I wanted to save the new PTs for actual simulated tests, not the drills.
  • PennyroyalQueenPennyroyalQueen Free Trial Member
    50 karma
    That's my dilemma exactly, @Ann California
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Then drill with the older PTs @"MissT276275-1"
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