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harrismeganharrismegan Member
edited August 2014 in General 2074 karma
Okay. So, this may sound stupid, but I THOUGHT that I was only able to take the September LSAT, so I've been studying since June & have stressed about it constantly. I must have misheard or misunderstood something, but it turns out that I can take the DECEMBER LSAT and still am able to apply for Law School that following September. Which is great - it gives me an extra 3.5 months to study.

I'm considering taking the beginner package on this website. Right now I score between 152-155 on the practice tests I've taken, and I am registered for a 30 hour LSAT course in late September, but I want to do something more. I'm thinking that studying on my own can only get me so far.

So I'm wondering - do you guys recommend taking the prep through 7Sage? From everything I've seen, I would say it would be worth it, but I'm having qualms about it. Specifically, I think I study best with paper, pencil, and a book, but I've already been through two prep books, and my mark isn't budging much. Do you guys find using the website to be effective? Has it improved your mark?

Thanks a lot!


  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    I went from a 159 diagnostic to a 175 on my first test after completing the 7Sage curriculum. I'd enthusiastically recommend the course -- if you've tried prep books and they're not working for you, why not try something new?
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    770 karma
    Get 7sage. I self-studied the first time around and didn't do that well. there's a difference between self-studying the material, and being taught the material. JY teaches really well in the videos. They also make the lessons super simple. I also now understand the "why" behind a lot of the concepts and methods of writing the LSAT, whereas before, I basically tried to study with memorization. The LSAT is deeper than that. (This is even after going through both Powerscore books for LG and LR, and attempting to use Kaplan explanations for PTs. *shudder* I wish I started with 7sage for sure.)

    There's plenty of paper and writing involved when practicing because you are given problem sets that you can print off. You'll save yourself a lot of stress if you just get 7sage.

    Good luck!!!
  • neil4833neil4833 Alum Member
    40 karma
    Taking the course might to some extent give you a bit more discipline. But the content on 7sage will almost certainly be better than the course itself. Perhaps finding a group of study buddy for the discipline to study 7sage together would be the best option.
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