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Should I postpone?

DJ JohnsonDJ Johnson Alum Member
Hi all! I have been studying for about two months now and initially had started out using the Powerscore Bibles but after about a month and a half I realized that their approach to the LSAT was just simply not for me nor was I a fan of their explanation methods but that's besides the point. Anyway, I purchased the 7sage course about two weeks ago and I love it! I certainly think that this is a much better approach for study and will complete the course with pretty high confidence that I will receive the score I want.

However, I believe I made the mistake of registering too early. I am currently registered to take the September LSAT and the deadline for postponing is August 30th and I am just not sure if I will be ready yet, or if I want to rush through the 7sage course to make myself ready by September. Before registration, I already had my mind up about taking it twice so I am definitely going to be taking it in December but do you think September is too early for me right now and that I should postpone? The only reason I am still contemplating postponing is that I don't want to only take the exam once (I have heard taking it twice is the way to go to ensure your maximum score) and I don't want to push back my second time taking it to February because I think February is too late. Overall, I am simply not sure what I should do. Any advice?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @"DJ Johnson" said:
    However, I believe I made the mistake of registering too early. I am currently registered to take the September LSAT and the deadline for postponing is August 30th and I am just not sure if I will be ready yet, or if I want to rush through the 7sage course to make myself ready by September
    Yes. Absolutely postpone! Do not rush through the curriculum!

    I was literally making the exact same decision about my prep about a month ago. Check out the thread I posted and all the encouraging responses I got when I decided to postpone

    I aptly titled it "Should you postpone?"

    The big takeaway is that the LSAT is such an important test. And it is one that you can decide to take whenever you are ready. That is a big deal! You can study for an entire year until you are scoring in the 170s and change the course of your entire life with one test....

    What helped me was to forget the idea of "what date" and replace it with "what score." So now I am taking the LSAT whenever I am good and god damn ready to score a 175. Might be a year or more... But being that the LSAT counts more than your GPA I think it is worth 5 years to be honest. It only makes sense if your GPA takes 4 years to get.

    So you would be making a very good choice to postpone. Like @"Cant Get Right" told me, every high scorer goes through this realization. Think of postponing until you are ready as a necessary condition to scoring high on the LSAT :)

    And since you only want to take the test once, doesn't it make more sense to wait until you are confident you are ready?

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"DJ Johnson" said:
    I have been studying for about two months now
    Yes, postpone and get a partial refund, nbd :D
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    Yes, postpone and get a partial refund, nbd :D
    Oh hell YES! Def get that refund! ;)
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma
    Well, what's your target score and how important is it to you that you reach it?
  • MookittyyMookittyy Member
    167 karma
    Just as an FYI, the partial refund is only like $50.

    Source: I have postponed before.
  • Jennifer NJennifer N Member
    45 karma
    I'm in the same boat... been studying for the last month but just recently came across 7sage which has helped provide a lot more clarity. It depends on your situation. If you have the luxury to wait a year and you have a desire for a target school, then you might want to consider making sure your score is high and take the additional year to study. Personally I lack the luxury of waiting a year... so I'll be taking it this year for sure. I would also be concerned waiting until December as you are only giving yourself one test for the the application process. What if you fall sick around December? Then you would definitely have to wait two years before you start law school. Again, I personally don't have the luxury to wait 2 years to go to law school.
  • Jennifer NJennifer N Member
    45 karma
    Can you help me understand the February test? Does it count towards the application or not? If we waited until December, but got sick... would the February test still be okay to include in this year's application process or not?
  • CalPoliSciCalPoliSci Member
    236 karma
    @"Alex Divine" How is postponing a necessary condition for scoring high? Many high scorers achieve their score without postponing. Therefore, postponing is neither necessary nor sufficient. :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Think of postponing until you are ready as a necessary condition to scoring high on the LSAT :)

    I didn't simply say postponing is a necessary condition for scoring high. What I said was " Think of postponing until you are ready as a necessary condition to scoring high on the LSAT :) "

    The "think of" would be to imply that it isn't literally the case that it is a necessary condition. But I think it is helpful to think of it as such.

    And I guess you could argue that if you take before you are ready, you won't score high.

    Wasn't meant to be taken literally, although I guess you could make a valid argument that it's true.

  • CalPoliSciCalPoliSci Member
    236 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Good one! Makes sense to me now.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sison.bonifacio said:
    Good one! Makes sense to me now.
    Thanks, haha. I just don't want to confuse anyone with necessary vs. sufficient, so I'm glad you made me clarify. :)
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