The 7Sage community has given such sage advice on all things LSAT that I thought I'd throw out a rather unconventional topic to see if anyone cares to weigh in and illuminate me. I was introduced to the dean of my target law school by a friend of mine who is on the board of trustees at the university. He set us up for a lunch meeting on Friday! I'm curious (and a tad nervous truthfully) how to best approach the meeting. I'm confident in my ability to get in to the law school based on my numbers, but I'm working on a higher LSAT score to maximize my scholarship chances. I am curious: what would you say or do if you were in my situation? I have a few ideas but would love the benefit of this group's input.
I feel like this is an incredible opportunity and I want to get it right. Thanks in advance for any tips or ideas!
That is so awesome! I'm so jealous, I wish I could meet with the dean of my target law school. My only advice would be to just act normal.... Be yourself, be courteous, professional, and confident. Maybe dress up a bit depending on where you are having lunch.
I'd have some answers prepared in case he asks "Why X law school?" or "Why you are interested in law?" or "What do you plan on doing with your law degree?" Perhaps some things to ask him if the opportunity arises.
I think if you have the numbers already and are having a private lunch with the dean, don't worry too much. You got this! Good luck
Good luck today!
Also, I have to ask, what did you order!!!