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When is an addendum necessary?

sewellsarahsewellsarah Free Trial Member
I'm looking for some clarification on when/when not to write an addendum for a less than stellar GPA. When is it necessary and/or helpful to write one?

I graduated with a 3.3 GPA and also have a few Ws on my transcript, but I can't figure out whether an addendum is used for a situation like mine or if it's intended for students with much lower GPAs or who have failed classes. I'm pretty confident in my LSAT score, I have a resume that's relevant to the field of law I'm interested in, and I know my LORs will be great. Should I write one for my GPA anyway? My target is a middle tier school.

Hopefully this all makes sense, I'm flying solo in terms of figuring out law school applications so I don't want to mess anything up!


  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Check out the really rich advice given by @david.busis:
    "The point of an addendum is to show your good judgment--even if you're explaining bad judgment from the past. Some people will tell you to submit an addendum for anything; I've come to believe that a low-LSAT addendum is just as likely to hurt you as it is to help you.

    Here's the test. Think of someone smart who didn't like you in high school, college or beyond. Imagine explaining your low GPA or LSAT score to that person. If that person would think your argument legitimate, go ahead and write it. If that person would be skeptical, don't write it.

    Example of a valid low-GPA explanation: You had to travel home every weekend of your sophomore year to care for a sick relative. (Only works if your GPA is lower sophomore year than other years).

    Example of a bad LSAT explanation: Someone's cell-phone rang during the test and you couldn't decide to cancel or not and you decided to cancel but then you forgot. (The cell-phone thing might have really thrown you off, but it may sound trivial to your reader. Forgetting to cancel your score makes you seem disorganized.)"
    So if you feel your situation qualifies for an addendum, I would say it holds great importance! In the end, I think it's difficult to put a percentage value on all of these topics because one may be stronger than the other for someone while have the opposite affect for someone else.
  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    I don't have any advice, but I like your avatar. :) @sewellsarah
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sewellsarah said:
    I'm looking for some clarification on when/when not to write an addendum for a less than stellar GPA. When is it necessary and/or helpful to write one?
    @montaha.rizeq is correct in posting what @david.busis has written. If you have a 3.3 because during freshman and sophomore year you were in a frat and partied every night, I don't think writing an addendum is a good idea. If on the other hand, you got into a severe car accident and missed 5 weeks of classes and a midterm/final, that might be something to write about.

  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    @"Alex Divine" wouldn't that show that you have matured?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @combsni said:
    @"Alex Divine" wouldn't that show that you have matured?
    You could try to spin it that way, but we all mature as we grow older. It's not a valid reason for the grades that are worth explaining. Also, having to explain that you used to party or not take school seriously in any shape, form, or fashion just isn't a good idea.
  • David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
    7343 karma
    Another test: if you can point to a semester that dragged down your GPA because of an extenuating circumstance, definitely write a GPA addendum. If you averaged a 3.3 for all four years and have no explanation, definitely don't. If your GPA hovered around a 3.3 for all four years and you do have an extenuating circumstance, maybe write an addendum.
  • sewellsarahsewellsarah Free Trial Member
    46 karma
    @montaha.rizeq @"Alex Divine" @david.busis
    Thank you so much! That advice is really helpful and exactly what I was looking for.

    I like yours too! I was sure someone else already had a Schuyler Sisters avatar but maybe I was just thinking of your A.Ham one. :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @sewellsarah said:
    Thank you so much! That advice is really helpful and exactly what I was looking for.
    :) I know how stressful it is flying solo, especially when the stakes for law school feel so much higher than undergrad for some reason.
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