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Whats your back up plan?

combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
in General 652 karma
Mine will be to get my M.A. in Economics and go down that path. Being from the Detroit area, I have some big 3 connections and I've had internships with GM and Lotus. My long time mentor ran Hummer for GM , between 1999-2004 and he's always said that there's a senior forecasting job with my name on it. Hedge fund managing would be fun as well.


  • KevinSageKevinSage Alum Member
    260 karma
    @combsni said:
    Hedge fund managing would be fun as well
    to be honest, this is my end goal ....... with or without a JD
  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    @KevinSage it's obviously a stressful job for those who aren't passionate about our financial system but it's always fascinated me
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma
    Lawyer isn't what I technically want to do anyway. It's how I can effectively fight my battles. So if that falls through, fine with me. I will then pursue happiness:

    Gentleman Farmer and Professor of English Literature.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I'll probably continue working in finance. I actually hope to end up working as a lawyer dealing with private equity and some of the same stuff I deal with now. I tend to think if you're smart and hard working enough to get into a good law school, you'll figure life out.
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    I'm about to finish up my undergrad in Econ so last resort would be finance, Private Equity, etc. However, I've always had an interest in Gov and working for the U.S Attorney's Office. So if no JD, then perhaps master's program in something government related.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I've toyed with the idea of a backup plan but I'm not thinking about that for now, it's not the right time for me.
  • Jessica_KubaJessica_Kuba Member
    461 karma
    I do not want to think of a backup plan right now, so that I won't lose sight of this goal. If worse comes to worse, I'm currently an accounting and finance major so I would just go into that field (investment banking, corporate firms etc).
  • Tinyosi1Tinyosi1 Alum Member
    235 karma
    If for some reason I would give up the idea of law school I would go for my Master's and PhD and look to research/teach in my field. I might end up going for them anyway down the line.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @montaha.rizeq said:
    I've toyed with the idea of a backup plan but I'm not thinking about that for now, it's not the right time for me.
    How can you give everything to your plan A with a plan B in the back of your mind!? I like the way you think :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited October 2016 11542 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    How can you give everything to your plan A with a plan B in the back of your mind!?
    Well, on my good LSAT study days, I'm all about law school and becoming a lawyer...when the LSAT prep is screwing me over, I think of other things. Lol, jokes...what I meant was I don't think of another goal or backup anymore because I don't like doing that to myself. If this is an important goal, I'm sticking with it; no questions. :)
  • Wind-Up BirdWind-Up Bird Alum Member
    284 karma
    Probably medical school. I had my entire application filled out for medical school, including a competitive GPA and MCAT, before a somewhat sudden epiphany lead me to health law. That being said, medical school is far more competitive than law, and I'm pretty confident in my application for law school.
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    @"Wind-Up Bird" why not a joint JD/MD?
  • Wind-Up BirdWind-Up Bird Alum Member
    284 karma

    Canada doesn't have any joint JD/MD programs, although it's definitely something I've considered. However, I'm greatly deterred by the fact that I'll be stuck in school until my mid-30s.
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    @"Wind-Up Bird" ohh I see, I always assume everyone is applying to US schools (silly me!).. yeah that is something to consider..
  • H O ThomasH O Thomas Alum Member
    204 karma
    In my mind, there really isn't a Plan B. I need to be more than what I am now. I can't be satisfied with just being a paralegal when I know that I can be a lawyer. I wont be satisfied with my life unless I've achieved the maximum I can possibly be. Being a lawyer is just one step towards that goal.

    I digress; I probably sound a bit crazy. Two years of wasting away doing something you hate while all of your skills and abilities goes to waste will do that to you.

    Back on topic, if I had to make a plan B, it would have to be a massive career change. Most of my educational background is in psychology, so I'd probably go be a counselor or something. In fact, I was offered a position as a crisis intervention counselor for family services the same day I was offered a job where I work now.
  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    no plan B..
  • StarGirlLSATStarGirlLSAT Free Trial Member
    10 karma
    I often thought about a plan B and I just cannot do it. THIS is what I have wanted to do and the thought of doing something else just isn't in the books. I have taken the LSAT a few times and wish I had a community like this or LSAT hacks for more guidance. If you want something, do not give up on your dream! I am now trying new methods like BR b/c I now realize how bad I was studying and not really understanding why I was getting the answers wrong.
  • esteeroseesteerose Alum Member
    382 karma
    I have learned that when I have a plan B, I am more likely to succeed with plan A. I think I get too much satisfaction out of my goal alone. If it is not a likely reality for me, then I try harder to obtain it. I graduate in May with a Political Science BS, Paralegal AA, and have completed a paralegal internship as well as made connections with the Paralegal community.

    I have a 4.0 GPA and take the LSAT in December. Diving into my Plan B options has made me want to work harder to avoid becoming a paralegal, and I am very confident after these three years of undergrad that I will move on to law school. I believe I will benefit from the connections I have made in the community from my plan B, and I've picked up some cool paralegal friends along the way too!
  • Tinyosi1Tinyosi1 Alum Member
    235 karma
    @esteerose said:
    I have learned that when I have a plan B, I am more likely to succeed with plan A. I think I get too much satisfaction out of my goal alone.
    I definitely feel this way as well! If I have multiple scenarios in my head, then doing anything other than my primary goal makes me feel like I am settling. If I never have a plan B, then failure doesn't seem as bad strangely.
  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    Everyone had really interesting! Personally, I would love to be a lawyer but I also realize there are more ways I can make six figures.
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