Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Bad or good idea to take a another prep test Thursday morning? - 7Sage Forum

Bad or good idea to take a another prep test Thursday morning?

beltra13beltra13 Member
in General 13 karma
Should I take another prep test tomorrow morning before the Saturday exam? I took one on Tuesday and subconsciously feel as if I take another tomorrow I might risk being burnt out for the exam? Would I be better off just doing individual sections instead of a full length exam?

Thanks...and good luck to you all. God Speed.


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited November 2016 12637 karma
    Bad. If you get a low score, it'll demoralize you. Relax for the last week, you don't want to burn out.
  • 308 karma
    Don't take any other PT's. I'm doing one RC section timed today and a few LR questions tomorrow just to stay fresh and thats it. Taking it easy the last couple days so i can be fresh for Saturday.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @"Artak Mamikonyan" said:
    Taking it easy the last couple days so i can be fresh for Saturday.
    Great advice! If you feel compelled to take a PT - please listen to everyone and not score it. The ultimate benefit of taking a PT is to be able to BR it and you won't have time to learn what you can from the experience.
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Bad. If you get a low score, it'll demoralize you.
    Yes Dillon, than you wreck your confidence going into the test. Bad.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Bad. If you get a low score, it'll demoralize you. Relax for the last week, you don't want to burn out.
    Fully back this!!! Take a retake you did well on, give yourself some practice and a confident boost. I can't tell you how many people end up freaking out last minute because of a bad PT the week before the test. It isn't like you're going to learn anything you don't already know in this next few days. Take it easy and remember, you got this!
  • beltra13beltra13 Member
    13 karma
    Thank you everyone for the advice! I ended up just doing a timed RC section yesterday and this morning plan on doing a couple logic games. Besides that I'll be letting my brain rest.
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