So now that test day has come and gone, so have all of our anxieties.
Well, no.

Now we've got a brutal wait before test scores come out. You'll estimate how you did on each section, put it all together, and come up with a score range you think you're likely to have achieved. And then you'll toss that out the window and run the whole process over again. One moment you'll be thinking optimistically, the next you'll be certain that you did even worse than you could possibly have imagined.

I'd tell you not to do this, but you will anyway. So just know that you're being dramatic! It's normal, everyone else is doing it, and you're almost certainly wrong. Regardless, it's done with and dwelling on it won't change anything anyway. So, do as little of that as you can manage. Another thing to not drive yourself crazy with: Constantly checking and refreshing LSAC.

Scores will come when they come. You will get an email the moment your scores post, and the email will contain your score. Assuming you have some kind of notification settings on your phone, this means that the exact moment you have access to your score, you will be notified. So let's all try to be like a bunch of little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like?
So, some things to do during the wait instead of freaking out:
Applications! Get those things ready to fire off! When the scores get published, schools are going to get a wave of apps and if you can be ready to be on the front end of that, all the better. So be prepared!

Friends. Remember those people from before the LSAT that you used to do things with? See what those guys are up to.

Read. I read the whole Harry Potter series during my wait. It really helped. But you do you. What's your thing? Read all the Star Wars books or Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire or The Complete Works of Shakespeare or your favorite smutty romance novels.

Netflix. Like reading, but better!

Netflix and chill. Like Netflix, but better!

Hobbies. What are some of the things you used to enjoy doing? Do those things. Personally, I like brewing beer, camping, writing, video games, keeping up with new music, etc. Done with LSAT, I was free for the first time in a long time to engage with the things I enjoy.

Treat yo Self. You deserve it. That one thing on your Amazon wish list that's been calling you for months now?

That really nice bottle of wine you've been saving for an occasion?

That really nice pair of jeans that really makes your ass look fantastic?

So there's plenty to keep yourself occupied, but of course, your pending score will inevitably force itself to the front of your mind from time to time. And when it does, we have been there/are right there with you. So do try to be cool, but when you can't, we'll freak out and speculate with you. We're here.
I'm also currently working on the new Pokemon here and there, but I mainly end up playing that on the train ride home from school.
It takes not only a personal commitment but also family support to believe in our future to even have a chance to be successful on the LSAT/Law School journey during a career change in mid-life. (Post 20's or later, lol)
So much respect for your deliberate and dedicated process but most importantly for always keeping your family at the top of your priorities:)
Very Special
So here's the history of LSAT score releases to give y'all some idea of how this tends to go. @"S.P. 170"
I'm not too worried about personally receiving my score; I'm just hoping that the schools I've applied to for Sept. 27 will consider the December scores before they give out too many rounds of rolling admissions.
And I wouldn't be too worried about too many spots being grabbed up. They know they've got lots of apps waiting on them from December scores, and they want to see the field before overcommitting to early applicants. Right now, I suspect that the offers have mainly gone out to the obvious applicants who were always going to take spots anyway. If you can send them good numbers, you're still in good shape.
Also bought the new Final Fantasy game for XBox One, for all you nerds out there. It's amazing and therapeutic.
Definitely also have started catching up on some Netflix shows, too
Nice. I was pretty relaxed about the wait at first, but then I looked at the calendar and thought "It's only the 11th?! U-g-h-h."
Btw it's Black History Month. People seem to forget. If nothing else, check out the new Roots or see the original if you haven't. Just one way to relax and get your mind off the wait.
Right after the test:

Last week:

Still at least once a day, I stare off into space and speculate about what score is going to show up in my email a couple weeks from now. But then I remind myself that it's all over, and that I should do more fun stuff during my vacation from studying.
Two weeks from now:

Bump for my June people.
This is a very high quality post. All of the treat yo self gifs had me rolling. I love Aziz.
This was much needed! I remember reading this thread back at the beginning of my prep and not really understanding all of the complex emotions involved in finishing the LSAT. Now? Yep. I've definitely run about 100 different scenarios of how I thought the exam went, and I'm sure it won't stop until July. In the meantime, it's about time I get caught up on House of Cards.
Time has COMPLETELY come to a halt without studying to keep me busy. One day feels like a month. Yesterday I thought three weeks must've past and the scores would be ready. Then I realized it had only been three days since the LSAT.