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Any New Yorkers (NYC Area) interested in joining a Study Group for the June 2017 LSAT?

cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
edited December 2016 in Study Groups 190 karma
Hey everyone! I've always been interested in starting/joining an LSAT study group because I feel thats the best way to learn and motivate yourself for the test. However, someone on Top-Law-Schools has taken it amongst themselves to start a group. I wanted to help him out and post it along here to see if anybody was interested. Obviously, it would have to take place around the NYC metropolitan area. If anyone is interested, please follow this link:

I understand many of you are still in undergrad or work full/part time (I'm doing both) but don't let this stop you from joining. With everyone's input, I'm sure we can figure out a time that works best for everyone. I think this would be very beneficial as we'll all learn from each other and come June 2017, we'll be more than ready to tackle the test. Hopefully we can get this going! Best of luck!


  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    I might! Depends on the Dec LSAT -- let's talk after scores come out.
  • coffeebiscotticoffeebiscotti Alum Member
    40 karma
    I might be interested! Any input on neighborhood?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @coffeebiscotti said:
    I might be interested! Any input on neighborhood?
    Also interested.
  • jurisprudentjurisprudent Alum Member
    326 karma
    I'm interested if it includes Blind Review sessions!
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited December 2016 4196 karma
    What neighborhood would you guys meet in? Depending on this, I may be interested.

    so that way ill get to see @"Alex Divine" <3

    e: also, what days? weekends?
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    Well, I feel all areas of NYC are very accessible so we could meet up anywhere honestly. As for the day, we'll have to figure out a time in which everybody could meet. I'm going to guess on a Saturday, every 2 weeks or every week or once a month. I feel Fridays, some of you might be working (I work some Fridays). But again, we'll have to see.
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    I'm waiting for the gentleman on Top-Law-Schools to respond but I'm really looking forward to getting this going. I'll finally get to meet @"Alex Divine" who is 7sage/Top-Law-Schools legend lol
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @TheMikey said:
    What neighborhood would you guys meet in? Depending on this, I may be interested.

    so that way ill get to see @"Alex Divine" <3

    e: also, what days? weekends
    :) <3
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @cm214998 said:
    I'm waiting for the gentleman on Top-Law-Schools to respond but I'm really looking forward to getting this going. I'll finally get to meet @"Alex Divine" who is 7sage/Top-Law-Schools legend lol
    Yes, haha! That would be tight! :)
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    I am more than happy to meet in-person for a study group in NYC. Let me know when.
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    Just curious, what would you guys do? Work on the 7sage CC? Drill and go over stuff? PT and BR?
  • coffeebiscotticoffeebiscotti Alum Member
    40 karma
    I'm going to agree with weekends (mainly because I work full time during the day). I'm on the west side but could trek a little if needed. How do you all feel about the village or midtown in order to make it easier for folks on the west/east side?
  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma
    I am also interested and would like to know what the meetings would be like.
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    Hey @coffeebiscotti, totally agree with you on the weekends either in the village or midtown to study. Let me know when you want to meet. cc: @Grace...
  • MaritzaaMaritzaa Alum Member
    368 karma
    I'm interested!
  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma
    Definitely interested :)
  • coffeebiscotticoffeebiscotti Alum Member
    40 karma
    Awesome! Let's do this. How do we feel about this coming Saturday? Then we could skip 12/24 and 12/31 for the holidays and resume the following weekend.

    What are everyone's goals in terms of what they would like to cover?

    Also, does anyone have ideas for a place to meet, i.e. a Caffe Bene or something? Or maybe if anyone has access to group study space at NYU or another university that could be a good option.
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    will you guys be covering things such as the 7sage CC? or will you be doing questions/sections and reviewing them?
  • NikNYCNikNYC Member
    100 karma
    I m interested ! Please let me know more information where and when to meet ? Thanks !
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @coffeebiscotti, how about Starbucks at the Village or at the Jefferson Market Library (NYPL).
  • poohbearpoohbear Alum Member
    edited December 2016 496 karma
    I might be interested as well depending on time/ location! :) I'd be coming in from deep Brooklyn so being too far uptown might be a bit of a trek for me.
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 190 karma
    Well, I haven't gotten a response from the person who originally posted on Top-Law-Schools but I'm absolutely down to go ahead and start the group with anyone who has demonstrated interest on here. Lets all agree on a date after the holidays.

    @coffeebiscotti This saturday will be tough for me as I am celebrating a birthday. Next week is impossible since I'm assuming everyone will be celebrating the holidays. What does everyone else think?
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @cm214998, How about we meet after the Holidays in January 2017
  • coffeebiscotticoffeebiscotti Alum Member
    40 karma
    After the holidays it is! That will be better for me in all honesty; this weekend I am preparing for a trip out of town and need Saturday to run errands. I look forward to getting started! Let's touch base after the new year; I like the Starbucks (the Sheridan Square one, I am guessing?) and NYPL ideas for location. Does the Jefferson Market Library allow for group/collaborative study in terms of noise?
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @coffeebiscotti, The jefferson Library does not have a group study, but the NYPL at 42 Street has a group area to study.
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    187 karma
    Count me in!!
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    Thank goooood you guys didn't meet today, the weather is disgusting haha.

    Please let me know when and where you guys will be meeting when you do, I'm interested. Also, is someone going to make a type of schedule for each week on what we will be doing? Like what PT, section, question type, etc?
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    NYPL is great place, I know they have group study areas. Jefferson Market Library - I've been there once, but it was a bit crowded, couldn't find a place to sit and work, so I'm not sure. Preferably, if anyone knows any places where we can sit and down and work for a few hours without disturbing anyone and with relative peace and quiet. That would be ideal.

    As for scheduling, lets meet up once in person, everyone who is interested and we'll see where everyone is at. That way, if we have a large group, we can all team up and work together with everyone at our pace. Also, for those of you who are more advanced or have studied longer and understand the test better, maybe you can tutor or explain concepts better for those who are struggling. But I think it's best to meet up once in person to meet everyone, get to know each other and then figure out if we want to schedule PTs, or "lessons". Everyone here has 7sage so that's good in terms of study materials.

    What day works best for everyone?
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    @mk940808 @coffeebiscotti @"Alex Divine" @yeram.choi @TheMikey @jimmyrivera201 @Grace... @Mitzyyyy @bswise2 @Nikolaschen @poohbear @jimenezja.jj

    What day/days work best for everyone? Would you guys be interested in meeting after the New Year? Perhaps the week after? Up to you guys.
  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 877 karma
    @cm214998 After the New Year works for me! I can do a Saturday afternoon or any evening after 5:30pm
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    I'm going to be out of town from the 2nd onwards (I go to school in Boston and I have a Winter term class on the ICC) but I could probably start in Feb.

    Idk what the consensus is but weekdays work better for me!
  • MaritzaaMaritzaa Alum Member
    368 karma
    @cm214998 After the New Year works! I can meet after 6P on weekdays and anytime on the weekends. I work in Midtown, so a place that wouldn't take too long to trek to would work best.

    Btw, I am at the PT phase; hoping to link with others who are at the same stage.
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @cm214998 After the New Year works! I can meet after 6:00 p.m and forwards and even on weekends anytime. I do work in Tribeca, but we can meet anywhere.
  • jurisprudentjurisprudent Alum Member
    326 karma
    @cm214998 I'm also available after the New Year! I think we should meet to confer and see where everyone is at in terms of studying stage, and perhaps break off into even smaller groups based on that... in my past experience with LSAT study groups, the smaller the better (and more efficient). @Mitzyyyy I'm at the PT phase too, if you want to connect and get a head start!
  • AllysoncccAllysonccc Free Trial Member
    17 karma
    Just started doing PT and power score. Interested in joining the group! Also available on weekends in midtown area.
  • rachelzane03rachelzane03 Member
    58 karma
    I am interested in joining this study group as well! Starting after the New Year would be great.
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma
    I'm curious to join!
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    @cm214998 said:
    What day/days work best for everyone? Would you guys be interested in meeting after the New Year? Perhaps the week after? Up to you guys.
    I can do Saturdays! After the holidays works for me as well. I'd be traveling from basically the very end of Queens so it would take me a while to get there but anywhere from around the village towards more downtown would be ideal for me.

    also, im kind of at the PT stage as well (I've taken twice already), but I wouldn't mind going over some techniques and stuff, and having people to do drills with and go over them.
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    edited December 2016 187 karma
    Yes, after new years works for me. Should we have a webinar or conference call to discuss strategies etc? Please PM me for my email.

    Admin edit: Please don't publicly post your email.
  • EmelyM93EmelyM93 Member
    75 karma
    Hey, I'm taking the JUNE LSAT 2017. I'm interested as well!
  • MaritzaaMaritzaa Alum Member
    368 karma
    On the weekends I'll be at the New York Public Library on 5th Ave, if anyone wants to join. :)
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    edited January 2017 187 karma
    Sorry forgot can't post email-_-. Let's get the ball rolling
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma
    I would love to meet up at the NYPL on 5th Ave.
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @jimenezja.jj @Gladiator_2015 @Mitzyyyy @EmelyM93 Let's study at the NYPL this weekend.
  • MaritzaaMaritzaa Alum Member
    edited January 2017 368 karma
    Yep! Let's plan to meet at 10A. Are we starting with PTs? If so, let's start in the mid 30s? @jimenezja.jj @Gladiator_2015 @EmelyM93
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @Mitzyyyy @jimenezja.jj @Gladiator_2015 @EmelyM93 @TheMikey @coffeebiscotti. I did a PT already. but what do you guys think.
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    187 karma
    I'm good for next weekend not this weekend sorry.
  • cm214998cm214998 Alum Member
    190 karma
    Good morning everyone! Happy New Year! I see a few of you have already planned to meet this weekend for PT's. Anyone on here still in the core curriculum? I'll be continuing the CC, as I am not in the PT phase yet. If anyone can meet tomorrow Friday, please let me know as that would be ideal. If not, we can schedule sometime next week.
  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma
    @cm214998 @jimenezja.jj @Mitzyyyy @Gladiator_2015 @yeram.choi @coffeebiscotti : Let's study for next weekend Saturday or Sunday. Let me know if there's a location where we can meet.
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