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Bio major life

Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
in General 261 karma
Hi guys,
So I'm a Biology major at Case Western who has been struggling in some of her more difficult courses. I'm in my third year and my cummulative stands at a 3.125. I know this is a bit low, but I've been studying pretty hard for all my courses, gotten the help I needed and done my best. I'm also studying pretty hard for the LSAT. I know that sometimes hardwork doesn't mean much to a Law school admissions counselor... But I have extra curriculars, a job in a lab, and am taking a Bachelors of Science in Bio along with a secondary major in Spanish at a difficult school.

Is it still possible to go to Law school?


  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    Absolutely! My GPA isn't much better then your current GPA. Although it's unlikely our applications would be considered at the top 1-8 schools, there is still plenty of other great schools to consider.

    Law schools place more emphasis on the LSAT than GPA. This is not to say GPA is not important.

    In order to get into the better schools we must do exceptionally well on the LSAT. We are known as something called 'splitters' in the law school admissions game. These are people whose GPA fall in the bottom 25% of average GPAs accepted, and whose LSAT scores are above the 75% mark. A general rule of thumb for splitters is if your GPA is in the 25% then your LSAT must be in the 75%.

    Some schools are known to be splitter friendly, such as Northwestern, Georgetown, and occasionally Cornell. These are all top 14 law schools.

    Are you from Ohio? Ohio state is around the top 30 with solid job placement after law school. Also, if you are from Ohio, Ohio state has excellent in state tuition! Something to look at! If you have any questions feel free to DM me.
  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    Also, check out this website for an idea of potential schools

    With a 170-173 LSAT and a 3.1 GPA, people with similar numbers were accepted at UVA, Upenn, NW, Michigan, etc.
  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    And don't get me wrong, a 170-173 LSAT is no easy feat. It is doable however. Also seeing that you are at a very good school, I can at least assume you are a driven person :) good luck
  • Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
    261 karma
    @jknauf Thank you so much! You're super helpful and made me feel a ton better. Thanks for the resources and if you ever want to talk about the LSAT more, I would love a study partner.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2016 23929 karma
    @"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
    Is it still possible to go to Law school?
    Yes, it is very possible to still go to law school. Just need to do well on the LSAT which I am sure you are capable of! For now, I would focus on your GPA and study for the LSAT once you graduate since bio is a hard major!
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
    Is it still possible to go to Law school?
    Most definitely. There's two sided scale for law school admissions. On one side you have your UGPA, Personal Statement, letters of rec, maybe a few other essays...on the other side you have the LSAT - outweighing them all. The way I look at it is you have 1 more year to boost your GPA and get a few professors to write you a letter of rec. After that, your main focus should be getting a very good LSAT score to help your chances at admission into LS with a nice scholarship and you should be good to go! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise <3
  • Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 261 karma
    @"Alex Divine" and @montaha.rizeq : Thank you, guys. This is very sweet and very helpful.
    I'm pushing myself to study bio as hard as it is since I do like it, and want to go into Patent law someday.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
    I'm pushing myself to study bio as hard as it is since I do like it
    Ahhh, spoken like a true desi ;)
  • Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
    261 karma
    @montaha.rizeq Guilty as charged. *sips chai*
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
  • Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
    261 karma
    @Sami Sammme though <3
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
    Is it still possible to go to Law school?
    Do you have any interest in Med school?
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    Of course it is. Just kill it on the LSAT. Also, keep in mind that law schools account for difficult majors. For instance, it's unlikely that they're going to treat the GPA of a theater major the same as they would the GPA of a bio major (sorry theater majors...not trying to pick on you).
  • Shireen Bhatia-1Shireen Bhatia-1 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 261 karma
    @MrSamlam Thanks! That's the plan. I'm working on prep for February and am probably gonna retake it in September this year.
    @"Alex Divine" Nah. At one point in high school I gave it a thought but I realized that I really wanted to help researchers patent their work after working in a Virology lab in Taiwan. It's good to want to help save lives but in my opinion, law can too. I mean, pharmecutical companies, genetic technologies that produce medicines, technology that allows for gene editing or even gene therapy all save lives- and need to be patented.

    So, I decided to combine Biology and law. :)

    My goal is just motivating me through.
  • ajcrowelajcrowel Free Trial Member
    207 karma

    This is some actual data about splitters. Use accordingly.
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