Hey guys!
I was wondering if it is possible to increase my score to a 170 or higher if I scored a 145 on my diagnostic. I plan to write the June 2017 LSAT and do not wish to write it again but get it right the first time. I just started studying... Any tips or suggestions?
Breaking into the 170's is an enormous undertaking. It's one that I sincerely believe just about anyone can accomplish. But not everyone who can accomplish it will accomplish it. That's a huge distinction. The thing about the LSAT that's so different from any other test is that the test provides you with all the answers. Literally, every answer is right in front of you. So, yeah, I think because of this peculiar quality, anyone can do it. Of course it's possible.
Yet, only about 2.5% of people actually manage to do it.
The truth is, that accomplishment is way harder than any of us realize when first starting out. For me, I thought I was special. I was not. I wasted two takes before I'd done the work and so of course, I fell short. Then I started showing the LSAT the respect it demands, and only then was I able to vault myself into the field of people who were actually prepared to score in the 170's. Even then, there are no guarantees. I know so many people who are absolutely prepared at a 170 level who then fall short on test day.
So don't ask is it possible. Ask whether you're one of the few who will manage to seize that possibility.
To address your question a little more directly, 6 months is a highly accelerated pace. People do it (Hell, some people do it in 1 month!), but for the vast majority of us, that's not enough time. It definitely wasn't for me. I think it's a great target though. If you are really serious about breaking 170, you need to look at it the other way around. Instead of preparing for June, prepare for a 170. If you've reached that level by June, congratulations! If not, then that's fine. Keep at it, and take when you're at the level you want to be at.
3) this is a weakening question. the task is to find the conclusion then support and to choose an answer choice that weakens the reasoning relationship between the support and the conclusion.
conclusion: all dogs are red
premise: because bob is a dog and he is read
flaw: just because bob is a dog and is read doesn't mean that all dogs are red. the argument fails to consider other possibilities.
A) irrelevant because...
D is the correct answer because it weakens (in this specific way)...
Anyway, that's what I've begun doing with my PTs for every question I circle and most importantly for the ones I get wrong BEFORE I check to see what the right answer is. This is my BR phase 2. Also, a couple times I've BR'd and then gotten the answer wrong. That really helped me because I saw in my own writing how my reasoning was incorrect. That was a WOW moment to say the least. Because if I hadn't done that, I guarantee, my reasoning would have been "oh duh, that is obviously right. I see that now." That thinking is totally useless and it is why taking PT's alone does not improve your score. You never get an answer wrong cause you were lazy or misread (perhaps you misread but why?).
So in short, I think the people who actually improve are the ones who scrutinize themselves the most and change their thinking habits. There is so much advice out there, so many strategies, but it really comes down to you taking control of your own thinking. The strategy above is just one, albeit pain-staking, strategy that I have recently adopted and will hopefully launch me into breaking the 170 barrier as well.
If anyone has anything to add to my comment please do!
#1. Finish Core Curriculum: Take notes, refer back to them, do the drills.
-This is where the initial learning of concepts take place, do not skimp it. LSAT and logic is kind of a different language. So it makes sense to learn the a,b,c of it before you jump into complex sentences where timing is also an issue.
#2. Next take a PT and thoroughly Blind Review it. Look at analytics to figure out your weaknesses and work on them. Try to get your Blind review score at or above your target score.
- I would actually really recommend the webinar that is going to be held this Wednesday on how to structure you LSAT prep after you are done with your core-curriculum.
- Keep doing this till your average of PT's is at or above your target score.
- work on timing strategies here as well
-This is where a lot of drilling and intensives drilling occur.
#3. Try to get your PT score to your Blind review score.
- This is where you are working on getting your PT score to match your full potential score.
P.S. I kind of just summarized the webinar I mentioned above. So if you are done with the core-curriculum, definitely attend that. I am pretty far in my prep and I still found it very useful.
Also, the main thing that I think all high scorers have in common is that we don't give up learning. Try to take the questions you get wrong in stride and instead of seeing it as all the things you got wrong see it as all the things you can learn and improve upon.
Good luck. You'll do great. : )
If you really want to get it right the first time, you should stack the odds in your favor by getting to a level where your version of a "bad day" is above 170 (for example: consistently PTing at 174+).
Since we only know your diagnostic score, it's hard to say whether 170+ in June is realistic for you. Do the core curriculum first (should take 1-2 months to do this), then take another practice test to see where you stand.