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prepping for the september 2017 LSAT

Harvey specterHarvey specter Alum Member
in General 58 karma
hey guys,
after studying for about a month in september last year and a gap of more than 3 months, i have jumpstarted the core curriculum all over again. i am an ESL student but don't find it so difficult to read and write complex english. i was thinking about preparing for the exam for about 8 months and finally giving it in the month of september this year, the only thing that is bothering me is that when i read it in the discussion forum that most of the successful people in this community had prepared for at least a year or so before giving their respective exams, it makes me ponder upon as to what would be an ideal amount of time for me to prepare for the exam. i am open to any suggestions.
also the december 2017 exam will be the last option for me to be considered for the admission cycle of fall 2018.


  • sarahmelton6sarahmelton6 Alum Member
    169 karma
    I believe the ideal amount of time is about one year. There is no harm in preparing to take the exam in September, though. You mentioned that you already put in a month of study time previously. Do you think your target score is attainable in 8-11 months from now?
  • Harvey specterHarvey specter Alum Member
    edited January 2017 58 karma
    @sarahmelton6 said:
    Do you think your target score is attainable in 8-11 months from now?
    I honestly don't have any idea if my target score is attainable within 8 months or not. I mean i have just begun and my diagnostic was a 137 back in september last year, and after covering about 30% of LR from the core curriculum i achieved a 146 on my second PT. My target score is anywhere in the range of 168-174.
  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma
    I've postponed twice from my December 2016 paid registration and plan on sitting for the June 2018 LSAT. And yes, that means that I need to postpone applying one more cycle (applying in Fall 2018 to start law school in Fall 2019).

    Honestly, 2 weeks ago, I would have dreaded the idea of preparing for so long because I used to think I liked intense study in short bursts. NOPE. In those two weeks -- life has forced me to realize to postpone 1.5 years + another cycle (I am older than typical applicant with family commitments, yada yada) -- and I made peace with the new plan.

    It is what it is, and I finally stopped trying to force a good score when my diagnostics (I have several ranging 138 to 150) tell a different story than the best path to my goals. Now that I have ample breathing room, my CC is actually going very well, instead of bumpy when I tried to force it to "click." Who knew?! Oh wait, the Sages and mentors did! :D

    At least give yourself a month from now to see how your CC is going. Then adjust. As a Sage told me just last evening in his fine webinar: be flexible. And be honest with yourself in your studies.

    Bottom line: the LSAT will not be forced into submission, no matter how much we wish it so. So don't force it, give yourself room to conquer this test!
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