Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Improvement? - 7Sage Forum


harrismeganharrismegan Member
edited October 2014 in General 2074 karma
HI! Okay. So. I was kind of wondering what everyone's improvement was like/if I'm on track.
Before I started with 7sage, I was probably sitting in the 140 ish mark, maybe even less than that. I started with 7sage, stopped doing the practice tests, and since I have taken 3.

The first one, I didn't blind review it. I got a 154.
The second one, I did blind review it. I got a 155 I believe.
I reviewed those concepts and went over the Logic Games section of that test since then (I wrote it on Monday).

I wrote one today. My mark before blind review was 157. Which is only 3 marks off... from the suggested LSAT mark to get into my University. Obviously I want to improve into the 160++ range.

If I keep on it, doing 2-3 exams a week, blind reviewing each one, practicing old Logic Games to reinforce concepts, is it possible to break that 160++ mark? Has anyone else had success?


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