Since the LSAT may not always be straight forward... Groups are available to help prepare for the unexpected and answer those "curve breaker" questions!!
The Weeknight Study Group will complement the Saturday Study Group sharing the same schedule providing more options to address everyone’s study needs. A new feature for the PT specific BR calls is for everyone to ask specific “priority” questions that they personally want to review with the study group which hopefully will allow anyone in different time zones to join at any point during the session and gain the benefit of review.
Studying part-time over the past year plus, the BR calls have been invaluable to me and offered many occasions to lead calls throughout past testing cycles. Vanessa
@nessa.k13.0 has already started providing the Saturday group with workshops and we are collaborating with Josh
@"Cant Get Right" on expanding the Study Group into so much more than a BR call with opportunities to enhance the entire PT/post curriculum prep experience - Sage led workshops and RC/LG intensives – details to follow based on each of the Study Groups needs and requests:)
Look forward to seeing you Wednesday and/or Saturday nights – you never know who might show up to lend their expertise??!!
I will be posting details for Wednesday night PT60 soon. Let me know if you want to continue to be tagged in future posts:)
@montaha for the gif:)
Tentative study schedule
So special of you to spend so much time helping me out on the gif!
@alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister Got you all tagged:)
@twssmith I'm super excited to work with you on this June2017 group! Also this first came to mind when you told me

With our powers combined...
@nessa.k13.0 Yes! PT81 watch out we are coming for you!!

count me in!
@BryantFu look forward to seeing you:)
Please tag me as well!
Which prep test is this for? Sorry, this is my first time joining a BR call haha
PT60. It's my first time too:) @aishatung
Yes! Tag me please :-)
@aishatung tagged you and look forward to you & @dennisgerrard joining:)
@LsatChic got it:)
I would like to join in as well!
@twssmith - I would like to be tagged for this study group!
@doohocho tagged, I saw your post and take your time to get to the PT phase - we look forward to seeing you:)
@bruingirl1205 got it!
i would love this
@etphonehome Great! - I tagged you in our call this Wed night - PT 61, hope to see you:)
@twssmith Please tag me. While, I am still working through the CC and beginning my prep I would like to see how these BR study groups go. Thanks!
Where is the information or link to join the call?
@Grace... Keep an eye at the top of the Discussion page for posts about each individual BR call night announcing the PT to be covered that includes the link to GoToMeeting:)
@evan3826 Enjoyed meeting you on call tonight and added you to be tagged:) All the best in the curriculum and look forward to seeing you on future calls!
I still can't locate it... Was it at the top of this post as well? I missed today's call, but I want to join for the next Wednesday.
@grace... We post about 3-4 days before the calls on the Discussion page. Check out the Study Group Tab on the right side of the Discussion page and you can see the past posts:) The most current call will be stickied at the top of the page:) Look forward to seeing you next Wed!
Yes, I will do that. Thank you. Look forward to seeing you as well.