Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). How much time should I give myself for the PT stage? - 7Sage Forum

How much time should I give myself for the PT stage?

captainoatscaptainoats Alum Member
edited October 2014 in December 2014 LSAT 16 karma
I plan to write about 20-25 practice tests before the December LSAT. I've gone through all of JY's material, I just need to write practice tests. Is it better to write them at a slower pace throughout October and November, or just write them almost every day in November?


  • cole.w.murdochcole.w.murdoch Alum Member
    228 karma
    It will depend on the person but I recommend giving yourself time to review each PT. Doing them all in November will be a rush and you won't absorb what you need to. I did 3 PT's a week leading up to my September test and that was a good pace for me.
  • StephanieTStephanieT Alum Member
    64 karma
    I would also be curious about this.
  • Quick SilverQuick Silver Alum Inactive Sage
    edited October 2014 1049 karma
    I don't think all in November is adequate time to recoup between tests. You need at least a day in between or you'll burn out. I think JY recommends no more than 3 per week (see his info on this in the course).

    Plus I swear by blind review (watch all of his videos on BR). You need to make sure you blind review your PTs afterward (even the day after) to make sure you get the most out of them - otherwise you're squandering valuable stuff you can learn from the PTs and you're cheating yourself from real gains.

    I want to emphasize that if I had to make the choice, I would do fewer PTs if it meant I could BR the PTs I do take. BR is that important!
  • Vriver01Vriver01 Alum Member
    60 karma
    Any more suggestions on this topic? I'm halfway through the course and am hoping to finish it before November so I can dedicate November to just PTs.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    It all depends on your strengths/weaknesses. I would say blind review is very important, so don't try to burn yourself out or do too many PTs and not be able to adequately review your answers.
  • Vriver01Vriver01 Alum Member
    60 karma
    Thanks for the suggestions @Matt1234567!
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