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Anybody else having trouble printing out the logic game bundle for pt 1-35? I have tried at home at and at work it will only let me print 60 out of the 300 something pages for some strange reason.
Same problem. I just printed 50 pages at a time.
I printed 1 game at a time (7 pages usually), and it worked out fine for me
Where is the bundle located? I have just been printing from the question bank on quick view.
@cgracia12 it's in the syllabus right before the PT section
Dang, hadn't even realized this. Thanks a lot man @Freddy_D
Might be an obvious answer, but did you try using Chrome as your browser? It let me print the bundle without issue? However, this was a while ago before they were in their new form.
Yes I use chrome as my main browser and it loads all 300 + pages but it is giving me the option to only print the first couple of games.
No, I'm not having any trouble printing all 385 pages. It took a while for them to load and go to the printer, but they all went. I used Chrome as well, it's also my main browser.
Try emptying your Chrome cookies/cache. This was a problem for my Chrome last week, now it works well because I emptied them per IT advisement.
I'm sorry, Michelle, I hope it works for you, but I need to take a minute to say...
HOLY SCHNIKIES! I didn't know there was such a bundle available!!! And LR too!??! That's what I get for not looking ahead in my syllabus often.
Thanks, 7Sage!!!
Yeah the file (while it was loading from the internet to the print spooler) was registering for me at 3.5 GB. This takes an IMMENSE amount of time to process to be able to print. I might recommend starting the print process, and then walking away and letting it load for 30 minutes (+/- depending on your connection speed).
oooh ooh! Link! Link! Link! I didn't know an LR one existed either. Add that to the odyssey of my printing woes
Sorry guys! The file is quite big, it might take a while for your printer to register how many pages there truly are. My suggestion would be to clear your cache ( then let it completely load before you confirm the print on the first and second popup.
We're going to be making the LG bundle into LG drills sometime in the future, which will be much smaller files (since they'll be cut into different sections like the LR drills are right now!).
Thanks for the tip, I will definitely give that a try!
Thank you, I have tried this and no luck !
Thanks for the link, I did this and had alot in there hopefully it works now.
I decided to be proactive instead of a lazy pos.
Here are the links for anyone else wondering:
(this continues all the way to current tests, but I wouldn't recommend using those to drill, as it may compromise your PT's if you haven't taken them yet)
Hey guys, I did some quick testing and I found out what's going on. For the majority of us, the printing software that comes with either your printer or what's already built into your computer only allows you to print 60 pages at a time. So, this is why most of us are struggling to print past 60, myself included.
The work around for this is selecting what pages you want to print specifically. For example, when you click the print button, select pages 1-60 THEN click print. Like this:
To print the rest, you'll have to go back to that page and type in 61-120, then 121-180, etc etc.
Once we have the LG drills completed this will no longer be an issue, but this is the current work-around for the plebs like me who have printing software limitations.
Thank you so much, I printed 50 at a time and it worked like a charm
. That makes sense mine was only 60 at work and at home!
Yay! And this advice always works great -- clearing the cache.
Thanks Dillon !
I agree, I am glad I cleared my cache I had alot in there lol
Hi @"Dillon A. Wright" , is it possible for you to upload a PDF copy of this file?
PDFs have been banned by LSAC since April 2014.
Oh right! No problem. Thanks
On the bright side, I believe all DRMs are now available!
Yes, they are!
Guys, I'm trying to print a few specific LGs and the print option/search page # option has disappeared... I'm using Chrome. I can print using Safari, but it prints an extra page with the fine print.
I got it to work. But, I had to restart Chrome and log back in before I was able to print. Just thought you should be aware.
For future reference, clearing your cache will fix most issues:
For some reason, I have to shrink the document to fit it on the page--if I print it at 100%, it pushes things onto another page and fractures the continuity of the document--but this leaves a one-inch margin surrounding the entire document. I can view the document as it is supposed to look, but when it comes time to print, it isn't printing as it should be. Is anyone else having this problem, and if you were able to circumvent it, how did you do so? @"Dillon A. Wright", any thoughts?
@"Keane Xavier" Sorry about that! Please make sure your print settings look like this: