My last few tests have all been in the mid 160s and my weakest section is by FAR the logic games. I've printed out every LG in the syllabus and drilled them until I get get the 100% correct under timed conditions, but somehow it isn't translating to timed tests. I either 1) freeze 2) fail to push out all of the inferences so I consistently miss a question or two per game or 3) am flabbergasted by the random misc game that seems to be appearing on each test and therefore get it all wrong. Does anyone have suggestions for taking my LG performance from a 70% to closer to 90% by the December test? Is it even possible in that short of a time period? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
A good drill, at least in my opinion, is trying to do some games (simple and difficult) with little to no diagramming up front. If you can see the big picture, internalize the rules, and understand what the questions are asking of you, the miscellaneous games can be treated exactly the same way, since diagramming these up front is often the most difficult part (like circular games or ones that are difficult to conceptualize). If you get comfortable with answering LG questions without a lot of diagramming, you won't freeze up or panic when you get to a miscellaneous game that doesn't allow you to clearly create a main diagram.
The more and more you simply "rule drive" logic games, without depending on creating a complex diagram, the more you will understand what rules are important in specific games and why (for example, rules that have bearing on the most number of elements are usually ones that you should focus on).
Don't worry. Just skip it.
If there's a game, and it either looks difficult, or you can't recognize the category, or its a miscellaneous game, go do the other ones. Start with the easy games in a section to push your confidence up and get you in a "games" mindset.
You'll be able to think your way through the other ones while your subconscious percolates on that other game, and perhaps the other games will job your memory.
Don't be scared to do the games in order of your strengths.
Just remember to bubble it all in correctly.