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What're you doing the weekend before the LSAT?

dantlee14dantlee14 Free Trial Member
edited June 2017 in June 2017 LSAT 617 karma

I'm not going to do anything LSAT related the weekend before, other than perhaps one set of logic games (without scoring them) on Sunday to keep my mind fresh or something. It's a very odd feeling to have a full weekend beforehand; I took for the first time in December, and it was a lot easier to just have a chill Friday night to do nothing. 3 full nights seems kind of a long time, and I'm not drinking or going out for obvious reasons. The NBA finals will probably be over at that point, so I don't even have that to distract me. Perhaps I'll binge watch the new season of house of cards or the handmaiden's tale (which I've heard rave reviews about), play some FIFA, or gasp read a book. What're y'all planning on doing to relax?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    That's a good question. It's so far off for me I haven't even considered. I've always wanted to try LSD but I'm guessing that weekend might not be the best time....

    In all seriousness though, probably just go to the mall, maybe see a movie, go out to dinner and just relax. I'm also planning on running like 20 miles so I'm extra worn out and ready to get some sleep.

  • melissa091melissa091 Alum Member
    150 karma

    Oh my gosh. Literally laughing out loud on my study break at the LSD comment > @"Alex Divine"
    Don't underestimate the power of a long, warm bubble bath:)!
    Best of luck!!

  • Laabradir33Laabradir33 Alum Member
    161 karma

    i'll be drilling LG till the point where I question my existence over this universe

  • dantlee14dantlee14 Free Trial Member
    617 karma

    @asdf1234guy said:
    i'll be drilling LG till the point where I question my existence over this universe

    That seems like a bad idea man. Burnout is a real issue, and at this point, with exactly one week left, you're not going to be learning very much from intense drilling before the test. If you feel like you aren't ready or close to your target score, you should delay it, no matter how shitty that may feel. Trust me, I did the same thing last year for the September test, and in hindsight I'm SO glad I did delay.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    That's a good question. It's so far off for me I haven't even considered. I've always wanted to try LSD but I'm guessing that weekend might not be the best time....

    Damn. First the lines of addy, now LSD.. you'll fit right in with biglaw partners with your "to-be-developed" coke addiction :lol:

  • Zachary_PZachary_P Member
    659 karma

    I'm thinking I'll do some light LR drilling and a few miscellaneous LG to stay fresh. Other than that, I'll eat healthy, get hydrated, and maybe do a few easy LG and LR for a confidence booster as the weekend comes to a close.

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    edited June 2017 4141 karma

    I finished reviewing my last PT this past weekend and I binge watched half of House of Cards season 5. This week, I'm keeping it light with doing some sections to keep my momentum up. I'll continue watching the French Open and the NBA finals (well as much as I can of the game till it runs into bedtime). I'll probably add some HGTV shows into the Netflix/sports mix like Property Brothers this weekend.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Mellow_Z said:

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    That's a good question. It's so far off for me I haven't even considered. I've always wanted to try LSD but I'm guessing that weekend might not be the best time....

    Damn. First the lines of addy, now LSD.. you'll fit right in with biglaw partners with your "to-be-developed" coke addiction :lol:

    Already worked in bulge bracket for 2 years. Those are rookie numbers ;)

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @asdf1234guy said:
    i'll be drilling LG till the point where I question my existence over this universe

    Ah, you can make lot of headway drilling games. Don't do it until you're blue in the face, but I don't think an LG intensive beforehand is going to hurt.

  • Daniel.SieradzkiDaniel.Sieradzki Member Sage
    edited June 2017 2301 karma

    I watched Legally Blonde. Elle got a 179, very inspiring!

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @"Daniel.Sieradzki" said:
    I watched Legally Blonde. Elle got a 179, very inspiring!

    Especially since she was able to raise her score from a 143 to a 179!

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    4141 karma

    @"Daniel.Sieradzki" said:
    I watched Legally Blonde. Elle got a 179, very inspiring!

    Lmao I should squeeze that in before Monday. Although now, I laugh about her getting 1 point shy of perfect in a few months.

  • imharrisimharris Alum Member
    466 karma

    i've got a stack of lg and lr drills, but don't plan on doing them all... they are just going to be an outlet for nervous energy.

    otherwise my weekend will include:
    -taking my dogs to the dog park
    -running all the miles
    -watching "the verdict"
    -watching "a few good men"

    also, i've harped on this before, but sleep is so important this week! two nights of less than six hours of sleep in one week (do not need to be consecutive) will seriously limit your intellectual capacity. i'll be getting as much rest as possible.

    the same thing applies to hydration--numerous athletic studies show that your body builds up hydration over the course of many days. i'll be drinking tons of water throughout the week and pedialyte the sunday before the test.

    lastly, i'll be paying close attention to my diet. i'm a hipster yuppie who works at a farm to table restaurant so that means:
    saturday night: grilled harissa marinated chicken breast and asparagus with goat cheese.
    sunday: breakfast omelet with manchego cheese and arugula salad, sardines on toast for lunch, and steamed wild line caught alaskan halibut with broccoli and morel mushrooms for dinner.
    monday morning: banana and cottage cheese with cold brew at 7a before my run, then a fruit smoothie with flax and chia seeds, a chemex of single origin coffee, grilled 4oz grass-fed ny strip steak, two poached eggs, toast with homemade rhubarb jam, and two logic games for fun.

    best of luck everyone! this is the final stretch! all you have to do now is take care of yourself and set yourself up for success! you've already put in the hard work and accomplished much!

    here's a little video diary i made of my last six months studying for the lsat; now i just have to finish the race...

  • KateelaineKateelaine Alum Member
    172 karma

    This Sunday I'm watching My Cousin Vinny after I get home from work. No studying in Sunday at all for me. The mental break is an absolute must. But I'm planning on two more practice tests before test day. I've noticed I'm getting sloppy on concepts I already know, so the practice tests are just to make sure I nip those sloppy mistakes in the bud before test day. Also, I've made a LOT of headway in the past week or so, so I'll be doing light drills to really solidify the areas where I've made progress recently, and to make sure I don't turn into a moron and miss things I'm solid on. The PTS and drilling are oddly relaxing for me at this point. I just tell myself "three sections then a short break", and it calms my nerves. It's helping me see the test as just part of my daily routine, and so takes away a lot of the anxiety.

    Apart from the light studying, I'm AWOL to the social world, sleeping at least 8 hours at night, taking Allegra daily, drinking EmergenC, and trying to stay as emotionally and physically healthy as possible.

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