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7Sage: Game Changers

MelbournianLSATerMelbournianLSATer Alum Member
in General 9 karma


I'm sitting the test in 5 days (Melbourne, Australia) and was wondering, what are the biggest 'game changers' in the 7Sage syllabus?

I'm midway through the course, and while I'm certain that there is wisdom to be had in every module, unfortunately, I won't be able to get through it all in time. Hence, I'm hoping that some kind strangers could point me toward their favourite sections, or those that they found most helpful!

Cheers, all!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited June 2017 23929 karma

    @MelbournianLSATer said:

    I'm sitting the test in 5 days (Melbourne, Australia) and was wondering, what are the biggest 'game changers' in the 7Sage syllabus?

    I'm midway through the course, and while I'm certain that there is wisdom to be had in every module, unfortunately, I won't be able to get through it all in time. Hence, I'm hoping that some kind strangers could point me toward their favourite sections, or those that they found most helpful!

    Cheers, all!

    Unfortunately, all of my favorites were things that have helped me advance over a long period of time. Still, I think the entire LG curriculum was a game changer for me, before I sucked at LGs so much I could barely do 2 games in 35 minutes and would still miss easy questions.

    All of the lessons on valid and invalid argument forms were also game changers for me. I mean, honestly, I feel like anything on conditional logic this curriculum made so much more simpler for me.

    There's lots more but that's some stuff I think you can check out in the next 4 days...

    Good luck :)

  • MelbournianLSATerMelbournianLSATer Alum Member
    9 karma

    Hey Alex! Thanks for your comment.

    I've actually made some decent progress on LG since beginning my studies, however my conditional logic (and LR in general) are particularly weak. I'll make sure to check some of those sections out, thanks!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I'm only about half way through the CC, but since I studied with another curriculum in the past before moving onto 7Sage, I feel like the conditional logic section was extremely valuable. The other curriculum I studied did not have that and I feel like truly understanding logic will aid you throughout the entirety of the test.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited June 2017 4196 karma

    Hmm, I would say that you should finish the CC and do drills/PTs before sitting for the exam. But, I would say the biggest game changer for me on 7sage was all of the LR lessons. But since LR takes up a huge chunk of the 7sage CC, I would still advise you to study more before sitting for the test. LR is very important, not saying the other sections aren't, but LR is half of the test so being good at it is key.

    Also, the LG stuff is very good too. If you're not good at games, try a heavy LG drilling type of thing and do nothing but games. I did this for a month and now LG is my best section.

    I still feel like RC is more of a personal section where you just have to figure what works for you, and with 5 days, I don't know if you could do that in time (of course, if you haven't figured it out already) to get enough practice in without burning out.

    Overall, I'd say wait to take the test tbh. But if you are set on it, and since you have such limited time, get really good at LG so that way you are set with getting those easy points.

  • MelbournianLSATerMelbournianLSATer Alum Member
    9 karma

    Thanks for the replies Tringo and Mikey!

    Tringo: Perhaps I should have mentioned, but I'm in a similar boat as you. I've been working with another curriculum and have been supplementing it with 7Sage (that 'Analytics' function is the bomb!). So I'm feeling pretty confident going into the test. I certainly don't need the kind of score that many Americans seem to be shooting for: even scoring a 160 (maybe even a touch lower) would comfortably secure entry at the best school in my state. All I'm really wondering is if there is a section (or group of sections) which might grant me a +1 or +2 on test day, though I'm aware that this might be a bit too wishful. Thanks again Tringo :)

    TheMikey: As above, I forgot to mention that I've worked through another course and have gained a fairly confident grasp of the fundamentals. That being said however, I'll make sure to check out some of those logical reasoning sections! If you found any particularly helpful, let me know :) Thanks mate

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