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Necessary and Sufficient Answer Choices in the Same Question

rugangelrugangel Alum Member

Can someone point me to LSAT LR q's that are either necessary or sufficient questions types that list BOTH a necessary and sufficient answer choice?

I want to test my ability to distinguish between the two but am having a hard time finding the tricky q's that list both in the same question


  • missionsmissions Alum Member
    24 karma

    I think there are some that can be found in the NA drilling sets. I am, no by means, an expert, so take my observation with a grain of salt. I've found that for NA questions, if you encounter both in the AC, go for the NA (a "well no, duh!" moment I'm sure), but if you're debating between 2 choices, always go for the "safer" and "weaker" AC. Although, I will contradict myself and say that there are some NA questions that have such short arguments that the NA actually doubles as the SA as well. In reverse, if it's a SA question, you don't want to pick the weaker choice, you want to make it so that if someone came along, they couldn't say anything about the AC you picked. Why? Well because it completely seals the "gap" between the premise(s) and the conclusion.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    LSAT 55 Section 1 Question 12 :smile:

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma
  • rugangelrugangel Alum Member
    56 karma

    @jkatz1488 thank you! Would answer choice D be the sufficient assumption answer choice in that question?

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    @jkatz1488 thank you! Would answer choice D be the sufficient assumption answer choice in that question?

    @"Martin.jul" As it turns out, answer choice C is both necessary and sufficient to bring about the conclusion. I don't think D would connect to any aspect of the argument in a meaningful way.

    @akistotle provided a nice translation here

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