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Time between PT and BR?

jadewzhengjadewzheng Member
in General 17 karma

This morning I took my first timed PT---not even a full one (so minus the fifth and the writing section), but during the last section I felt extremely and absolutely exhausted. Both the first and the last sections were LR, but I knew I was processing information at a lower speed and efficiency in that last section. It's pretty atypical for me to feel so burned out in just 2 hours' of concentration so I think it might just be the result of eating less than usual for breakfast. So I decided I'd wait to do BR after an afternoon workout.

But, here I am, almost 8 hours later, still not able to start BR---even just the thought of it makes me cringe.

What is a recommended time between BR after PT? Are there downsides to pushing it back a day? How do I get over my BR anxiety?



  • doyouevenLSATdoyouevenLSAT Core Member
    610 karma

    i would continue foolproofing games, maybe mix in specific drilling for questions, timed/untimed rc. If you havent listened to all the webinars there are specific strategies.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @jadewzheng said:
    This morning I took my first timed PT---not even a full one (so minus the fifth and the writing section), but during the last section I felt extremely and absolutely exhausted. Both the first and the last sections were LR, but I knew I was processing information at a lower speed and efficiency in that last section. It's pretty atypical for me to feel so burned out in just 2 hours' of concentration so I think it might just be the result of eating less than usual for breakfast. So I decided I'd wait to do BR after an afternoon workout.

    I would say you should start BRing at least within 24 hours after you finished taking the PT. Taking a PT can be exhausting, and considering it was your first timed full PT (you can say it's a "full one" since it's a 4-section PT), I think it's pretty normal.

    What is a recommended time between BR after PT? Are there downsides to pushing it back a day?

    I think you should BR when your memory of taking the test is still fresh. You can think of what went wrong during the timed PT.

    How do I get over my BR anxiety?

    You have nothing to lose! You can only gain from BR!

    Good luck :smiley:

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @jadewzheng said:
    This morning I took my first timed PT---not even a full one (so minus the fifth and the writing section), but during the last section I felt extremely and absolutely exhausted. Both the first and the last sections were LR, but I knew I was processing information at a lower speed and efficiency in that last section. It's pretty atypical for me to feel so burned out in just 2 hours' of concentration so I think it might just be the result of eating less than usual for breakfast. So I decided I'd wait to do BR after an afternoon workout.

    But, here I am, almost 8 hours later, still not able to start BR---even just the thought of it makes me cringe.

    What is a recommended time between BR after PT? Are there downsides to pushing it back a day? How do I get over my BR anxiety?


    A few hours is what I recommend -- especially in the beginning of your prep when you're still doing the majority of solidifying your fundamentals. Go for a walk, eat lunch, read for fun, etc.

    I don't think there's a set recommended time, but my reasoning would be that it would be more advantageous to BR closer to taking the same so little shadow memories of how you felt during questions are still fresh. That's why after every PT I jot down a little summary of how I felt the test went. Did I have any issues? Come across a question that I couldn't do? Things like that.

    Are there downsides to pushing it back? Yes, probably. Though I think it would be more of a function of the type of learner you tend to be and where in your prep you are at. I know of plenty people on here who BR a section a day after taking a PT. No studies have been done to see if there are downsides or what with BR because it is more than just a simple review of mistakes. It is essentially where you are examining your work and trying to uncover how to remedy it.

    How to get rid of BR anxiety? What is causing it? It doesn't sound like anxiety to me, sounds more like you're burnt out. Like you said your diet was far from regular and you were feeling burnt out before the test was over. If you do have any sort of BR anxiety, just realize that every question missed is a good thing. It's a second chance to learn it; get it right; and ensure you get it right on the real test. Getting questions wrong are a blessing in disguise. And while I never jump for joy when I mess up, I always feel better after I put in the work to figure out why I messed it up and how I'm going to prevent it from happening again.

    Good luck!

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