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I hope you're ready or gearing up to start PTing for the June 2018 LSAT. Join us this Tuesday if you are finished with the CC.
Provisional Schedule:
For everyone: take the PT under timed conditions; BR as you are able on your own; then join us for all or part of the call—everyone is welcome.
Note: For the purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review score together at the very end of the call So at least don't say ... "No guys, really, it's D, I checked it.” KEEP THE CORRECT ANSWER TO YOURSELF. Win the argument with your reasoning.
These groups work best when folks from ALL stages of prep and with all different goals join in! Not just for "super-preppers" and definitely not just for the casual LSATer (does such a person exist?).
The only expectation anyone has for these calls is for you to have fun and ask questions as you desire. We are just a bunch of LSAT lovers who gather via GoToMeeting and intellectually slaughter each test.
Mark any questions you wish to go over on the spreadsheet below!
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 851-725-797
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 851725797@
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
June 18' Study Group Discord Link:
@BinghamtonDave @Freddy_D @tringo335 @achen013 @airborne1 @SiliconJedi @abernardi @TaylorAnn @Moniagui22 @Sarah_39 @"Lauren L" @kjsmith914 @Brazil020511 @attalla253 @tmickjr__ @jourdan.gardner @Gladiator_2017 @nima250 @"Adam Hawks" @"Lizzette G" @meganqliu @lizgu316 @LSATlife @"Paul Pederson" @CJF_2180 @aguirreliz92 @"Jay Lee" @canadalegalbiz @shannon_ @"Shawn Nguyen" @manan1996narula @btownsquee @"Shazia..." @lsatplaylist @Guillaume @"Marco Antonio" @"Jamie Lynn B" @smartaone2 @justicedst @Jay_Camp @Chandymen @jbodnovich @RJmazo14 @yahejazi @ziegler6 @JayClarke242 @TheSailor @Kermit750 @CoffeeBeans @lakish2010 @JURISDOCTOR35 @samantha.ashley92 @Grace... @greybrownblue @ohnoeshalpme @Ignatius @J.CHRIS.ALST @akriegler @lzkosman @sillllyxo @TheNotoriousRBG @necessarynaomi @"forest.dearing.2017" @alyhobbs @alafuente @vrendonvasquez @akriegler @"alexandra.marlene" @jkatz1488 @moonrider919 @missmalo @"Kings Never Die" @chisal17 @amatthews304 @"Human Becoming" @Hamaseh_S @adultish_gambino @dazedandconfused @danny_d5 @pasu1223 @alyssamcc0593 @LCMama2017 @chisal17 @estouten25 @ChaimtheGreat @sweetsecret @rochelleb180 @ecarr_12 @Christina-5 @demiiisodaaa
Starting the group very early I see. Best of luck guys!
Are you actually taking in June, Alex? I thought you were December?
I'm here to hijack because I can't resist you cool people and community. Who's going to be Pierce?
I was hoping to but I just don't want to have to try to cram in a bunch of PTs between now and then. This year has been crazy for me so far and it's finally settled down to the point I can plan ahead and June is looking good. I also figured if I'm not applying until next fall anyways it doesn't make sense to rush to take it in December.
I wish you were taking it with us! But I know you are finally ready to put this test to shame
Makes sense. If I weren't applying this cycle I'd probably take in June as well. Either way, you're gonna fucking kill it and I'll see you at Harvard
assuming I don't get a 120 next month
Thank you ol' friend. Likewise. I see you getting a 173+ and becoming the the first half kitten half sage this forum has ever known.
Checkin in and ready to dominate!
I'd scream if I got a 173
I'll take a 173 as well, please.
Glad to see you @Freddy_D
Don't worry! If we stick together and work hard a 173 is coming our way!
From your lips to God's ears. Let's get it!
I am aiming for December or February as I'd like to apply this cycle, even though June is my backup, it's still a possibility for me and I am interested in joining. I have recently finished CC about a week ago.
Thank you.
Excellent! I will add you to the list and tag you in any updates to keep you in the loop
Welcome to the squad, @achen013
Good times + lots o' improvement coming soon!!
Like @achen013, I'm aiming for Dec or Feb, with June as a backup. I'd love to stay updated on this group!
Sweet! We could always use another Jedi. I'll add you to the list.
Hey all!
I'm aiming for February/June as well, depends on how things feel around December or so, but I'd certainly be interested in anything this group does and has to offer
Thanks for putting this together!
I would like to join to if there's still room?
Thank you
Always good to have a back up plan
Plenty of room left! I'll add you to the list
Welcome to the squad, @TaylorAnn @abernardi @SiliconJedi !
@"Alex Divine" Thank you so much!!
I've read a lot of your other posts on the forum and they are very helpful and motivational. Do you have any advice on how to balance work and prep? I've read a lot of your advice on this topic.
Thanks youu
Thanks @Freddy_D
I'm happy to hear that
I guess it depends on where you work and what your hours are. For me, I mainly study early in the morning and at night. I'm either at work sitting there with nothing to do for several days or I'm in go mode non-stop with little in between. So I've done my best to adapt to the inconsistent work flow by setting aside time each day before and after work.
The balance is all about doing as much as you can without wearing yourself too thin. It also helps to just get into the habit of studying at the same time each day and it doesn't have to be for long. Even an hour on your lunch break will add up over many months. By studying at the same time each day you will develop discipline which is important to cultivate when studying while working.
I also put aside one day a week (usually Fridays) that I won't do any LSAT related prep work on. many people take off weekends, but because my study time during the week is limited as it is I try to put in full days on both Saturday and Sunday.
Thank you so much again! I will try to start fitting in some work during my lunch break and possibly in the am
I'm also aiming for December or February, but would still love to be added to this list and stay updated!
Thanks for making this!
Of course!
Welcome to the squad, @Sarah_39 and @"Lauren L" !
Awesome ! Happy to have you with us @"Lauren L"
Thanks, @Freddy_D and @"Alex Divine" !
Hey, I'm interested!
Welcome aboard @Brazil020511
Welcome to the squad, @Brazil020511.
@"Alex Divine" Please sign me up! Super Excited!
Of course! Happy to see you here @attalla253
Welcome to the squad, @attalla253 !
I'm in! Squad up!!
SQUUUUADDD! Welcome, my man!
This group is going to be awesome! Welcome, my friend!
Hey, I'm also planning on taking it in December but its super possible that I have to push it to June. With that said, I would love to join this group if you guys still have some space.
Of course we have space. Welcome to the squad! My man, Alex, will include your name up top to make it official.
Hey Hey! I'm in the same boat. Planning for December, but might push to June. Count me in!
As @Freddy_D said, of course we have room for you!
Hey @Gladiator_2017 I'll count you in
Welcome guys!
I'm ready to get started now. Let's go, sign me up. November is too far, way to far. Sad. Let's start now.
Right on man! Love the enthusiasm!
We're still waiting to figure out all the logistics and finding a way to consider everyones' study time line and accommodate them.
If you're looking to get started sooner, I think there may be a December 2017 Study Group forming soon.
Welcome, @"Adam Hawks" and @Gladiator_2017 . Let's get it!